I'm Sarada Uchiha (2)

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Sasuke didn't show it on the outside but on the inside he was so confused.

In situations he wouldn't really respond with alot of words unless it was for something big like a fight or something, and still he rarely ever talked but this time he felt the need too, he just had the gut feeling that he should say something.

The first things to come out sasuke's mouth were "Who are you?" As the looked at the little girl who was tightly hugging him.


"But papa do you not remember me" Sarada said.

"Uh" Before Sasuke could say no he saw that sarada had puffy eyes which looked like she had been crying and it looked it she was about to start crying again.

Before sasuke could speak karin interrupted "I'm sorry kid but sasuke-kun's definitely not your father" "Yeah he's to cold and emo for that" said suigetsu making karin slap him behind his head and sasuke roll his eyes while jugo calmly stood there being used to all the commotion but was a little confused by the little girl that stood there..

Sasuke wouldn't admit these words to anyone but he didn't know what to do he was also kinda confused but he still kept that arrogant look on his face.
Then he saw something on the child's back that shocked him.

He saw the uchiha clan symbol on the back of sarada's clothes.

For a minute sasuke thought he was in a genjutsu.

Karin and jugo seeing sasuke's face went silent, his face was the same as usual but you could clearly tell that something was off.

Everyone was silent and it started to feel uncomfortable until suigetsu spoke and broke the slight tension "Hey why'd everyone go quiet?!" and then karin punched him on the head causing him to groan in pain and then soon after another one of their fights started.

Jugo who saw the crest on sarada's back also stood in little shock but snapped out of it, walked up to her and kneeled down to her and spoke "Hey kiddo can you tell me you and your dad's name please?"

But sarada gave him a confused look and said "But you know my name and you know my papa's name, you were his past comrades, your my uncles and auntie."

Those lines had everyone confused and shook.

Although jugo snapped out of it and said "Yes I know but I want to make sure you know our names."

Sarada understood and replied "My name is Uchiha Sarada and my papa is Uchiha Sasuke."

Nothing, except silence...dead silence, it was so quiet that you would be able to hear a pindrop.

There was only one thing Sasuke wanted to know and that was who the mother was. Not only him but everyone wanted to know. Especially Karin.

Karin was the first to speak, looking at the girl she said "Hey, sarada, what is your mother's name?"

Sarada watched her confused but still said "Mama's name is Uchiha Sakura."

That was it. The five words that left everyone more shocked and confused than before.

Sarada Uchiha Back In Time (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now