The sentence brought various images to the top of my mind, first one of them being me bent over and him fingering me. I think it took me a bit by surprise, panic taking the hold of me as I tried to come back to him as quickly as possible, "Well, it could've been better."

My face grew immediately pale as I had said it, my insides cringing to my stupidity. Leonel raised his brows, a small twinkle appearing into his eyes, "Is that so?"

I wanted to take it back, by all means. But I was too stubborn to actually do it, standing by my sentence with full determination, "Yes."

I swallowed down as I saw the skeptical look he gave me, my body tensing up beneath his stretched frame. He was sitting just next to my head, keeping a hold of my neck that wa tight enough for me to not even be able to flinch my muscles, "It was really, really bad."

I pulled the blanket subtly higher on my body, something awfully warm starting to grow in my lower stomach. The black eyes watched me with a sly smirk behind them, his lips twitching slightly upwards, "Why don't you go to the shower, hmh?"

He suggested, making me tense up even more as it wasn't anything that I had anticipated. The mischievous tone of his clearly indicated that he had more than that in his mind, leaving me only uncertain for the future.

He let go of my neck, tilting his frame away from me as I stayed put with a madly red face.

God, I hated him.

With smoke rising up from my ears, I quickly stood up and ran into the bathroom; through an open door where I saw black tiles. The blanket was obviously coming with me, the door slamming behind me, as a part of showing my mind to the other. I disregarded the sheet somewhere, rubbing my eyes in frustration. My cheeks were still hot and red, the images I tried to avoid coming to the front of my mind every now and then. Why was I excited for what he had said, for what he had left out through the lines?

I groaned quietly, looking around me as I lowered down my hands. There was a plain shower and a bathtub, a nasty carpet laying in the middle of the room. For a Royal, it definitely wasn't that pricey and flashy as the other spaces here were. For a moment I even wondered if I was going to be even dirtier once I'd finished showering but decided to just go with it.

I forgot all my shampoos and soaps, with a frown stepping under the shower head. I wasn't even sure where my backpack was; where all my stuff was. I simply rinsed myself, going very precisely so I'd at least know that I had washed my body. The final result can be whatever then, I didn't really get any better right now.

It didn't take me but around ten minutes to get out, the blanket working as my towel. I wrapped it around my shoulders after drying up, stepping back to the room as I got the door unlocked. My eyes raked through it quickly, seeing Leonel still on the bed; now his all paperwork gathered back from the floor.

I let out a low sigh, hoping that it wouldn't be me who had to open the conversation.

I fucking needed my clothes. And that meant my backpack.

And I had a wild guess that he knew where it was.

So, with an irritated tone, I had to unfortunately inquire about it from him; as he wouldn't again even look at me, knowing for sure that I was here, "Where's my backpack?"

I was certain that he didn't even hear me as I had already stood like a dumbass for a good second, impatiently opening my mouth again. Though I was interrupted by him, the other lowering down his papers at the same time, "On the hallway."

I glared at him, after stomping to the door. For some reason he really annoyed me right now; and I had a feeling that I was exactly the same for him. But besides that, there was the similar tension there had always been; both of us a little tense and wary of each other's presence. Now with the twist that we could do something to it.

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