Once you get in the portal, it will close. Then the only way to get back is to create a new one using chrono-nodules from the lab.

Each activated nodule connects to every other one with a red or blue connection, the color of each connection is random.

The connections are able to pass through each other. 

If 3 nodules create a triangle that has all red/blue connentions, then a time portal will open and send you back home.

The portals can not be created from single color quadrilaterals/pentagons/hexagons. Only triangles with nodules at their corners that are comepletely red/blue will work.

You need to figure out the minimum numbers of nodules that will always create a red/blue portal.

p.s: that number is the number you will have to type in to get out of the box, good luck!''

''That's it, we're f*cked.'' Nezuma who had been secretly reading the paper with me yell out of frustation and sinks to the floor.

''I suck at riddles, or math questions for that matter.''

''Don't you work at a tech lab?'' Kinua asks.


Kinua just shrugs his shoulder, ''What are we going to do Chanjue?''

''We........uh...well.....we try to solve the riddle, come on guys, get closer, I say we have to put all of our minds into this question.''

We all step closer to each other and put our hands on each other's back.

''Wait, why are we putting our hands-?''

''Shut it Kinua, this helps me focus.''

Nezuma snars and looks at me.

''Why can't we just bring three nodules? That forms a triangle.''

''No that won't work, you can't be certain if the colors will match, what if you have 2 blue and one red! That won't work.'' Scarlotte explains.

''Maybe five? I mean, with that amount there is an arrangement of connentions?''

''Didn't you read?! That will make triangles but those don't count because they don't all have a nodule at the corner, those are too small.'' 

Alice says, and everyone is quiet again.

Time passes on, we only have three minutes left!

''What about six nodules?'' I  suddenly say.

Everyone looks at me with a confused look in their eyes.

''Look I will explain it, if you activate the six nodule and consider how it can connect to the other five, that can be done in one of six ways. With five red connections, five blue connections, or a mix of red and blue. If you try it then you will notice that every possibility has at least three connections of the same color coming from that six nodule. If we then look at any of the other nodules we can see that, if they were blue then any conditonal blue connection between those three would give us a blue triangle! But if all of the connections were red we would still make a triangle because the lines are allowed to pass through each other!''

''But what if the six nodule is red instead of blue? Will it still work then?''

''YES! Yes it will still work.''

I nod and look at the others with exitement.

''Well....what are you waiting for? GO PRESS IN THE NUMBER!''

I nod and run to press in the passcode combination.

I simpely press in '6' and wait a few seconds.

''Come on.......please don't fail on me....''

The lock suddenly clicks open.


I push the heavy door open and me and my team run out.

''We made it!'' Alice says.

I look at the timer.

Only 30 seconds left.

Team green has also managed to crack the code, they open the heavy door and jump out in exhaustion.

''Oh no, look team blue can't get the door open it's too heavy for them!'' Alice screams as she runs to help them.

Team blue is yelling for help, one of the members had fainted and most of them are too weak to get the heavy door open.

''It's okay we will help you! Come on team!''

Together with the others I run towards their box.

''1, 2, 3 PULL!'' We all help them pull and soon enough the door is open.

''COME ON GIVE ME YOUR HAND!'' The fainted member got dragged out by another and we give her our hand.

''QUICK!'' Alice screams, ''We only have five seconds left!''

We pull the fainted person out together with her teammate.

Just in time.

The heavy 50 ton block gets dropped, shaking the ground.

I look at it.

If we didn't make it, we would be crushed.

I look around, hoping for everyone that they got out.

But that isn't the case.

Team red didn't make it in time, I guess muscle isn't everything.

''Congratuations! Team pink has won once again! Yea how amazing...''

The voice sounds mad and dissapointed as it echoes through the entire game hall.

I breath out, my legs give out on me. 

All of the tress has finally come to me, as my vision slowly goes dark.


*y/n POV*

I see Chanjue collapse.

He is probably exhausted from everything.

I don't blame him, I wish I could go down there and hug him until he regains consciousness.

''Well, looks like I finally get my night!''

Jimin beams.

Oh sh*t I forgot about that.

He walks towards me and lifts my chin with his finger.

''I promise you, a good night baby~~''



Long time no see.

What did you think of this chapter?

The riddle I chose was from a youtube channel, if you want to check them out you can: https://youtu.be/ukUPojrPFPA

Here is the link, so credit to them for the riddle.

As always please: vote, comment, follow (if you want)

And oh my gosh! Thank you for all the reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I have more then 800 already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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