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"Go ahead."

I look up at her. And she shifts her dress to the side, perched on the lower branch of the oak tree. The rising sun lights up the delicate lines of her face as she looks towards the cottage.

Where Rinei is.

I hesitate.

"Are you going to leave?"

She nods. "Yes. You know I can't stay for long."

"They will ask questions. Especially my fiancée, who I just completely abandoned back at the Gala."


"Okay." I murmur, looking back towards the small cottage. "Thanks— for bringing me here. Keeping me safe and all."

A part of me doesn't want to leave her.

But I couldn't just return with her either.

Our worlds were different.

Her glacier eyes narrow. "This is not goodbye, Jungkook. Quit acting like it is. I will be back tomorrow night, and whenever I can find time to come see your lovely face."

I sigh.

"But you'll be with him, won't you?"

She looks up. And I'm a little surprised too, with what I'd blurted out.

A soft blush instantly colors my cheeks.

Arlen smiles, clearly noticing.

"I'll try not to, if that makes you feel better." She says, crossing her legs together. "I can't believe we've come to the point where you've become jealous for me."

"I'm not."

I turn away. And I think I can hear her quiet laughter as I walk briskly towards the cottage. It's a silent morning— not even the birds chirp.

I get to the side of the cottage, searching for the door. It's a pretty place, with ivy climbing up the walls and several windows for lighting.

But where—

Then my eyes catch on my sister, behind one of the larger windows.

I come to a stop.

Rinei's fast asleep. And next to her is that elf, his arms wrapped around her and her body protectively pulled close to his chest. They're both asleep still.

Then and there, I realize.

She doesn't need me.

He has her. I could tell, even now, that he would give his life to protect her. Rinei didn't need me by her side anymore. She had a lover, and her lover would keep her safe.

I'd just get in their way if I stayed.

I turn away. Then I run, back to the place Arlen had last been. I'm out of breath by the time I get there, eyes flickering for her shadow.



My voice echoes into the Forest.

She's gone. She'd told me that she would be.

I stutter a breath. A shaky sigh escapes from my lips as I grip my knees, eyes slowly falling to the ground.

I'm too late.

I should've just—


ELVEN | K.THNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ