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That elf.

Why was he being so kind?

Every first day of the week, a freshly killed animal turns up just a few meters from our back porch. And every time, I don't miss that each one has been killed by a swift arrow to the throat.

"I don't understand who's doing this." Jungkook says, noting the slightly bloody wound on the deer's neck. "It's all a clean kill by some hunter. But why...food is scarce enough as it is."

He glances in my direction. "Do you have any idea who this might be?"

I blink innocently.

I have no clue.

"I haven't heard anything like this from the other houses..." Jungkook murmurs, looking towards the neighboring homes. "Whoever this is, I'd really like to thank them."

I would tell him, hadn't the kind elf asked me not to. He'd told me to keep him a secret, so I would.

But that didn't mean I still couldn't say thank you.


It's the first day of the week. Or soon it would be.

It's deep into night when I slip out of my room with my cloak and blanket. It's chilly out, but I make sure to wrap myself up tightly as I settle into one of the chairs in the back porch.

It's still pitch black, early morning.

He'd always come during the night.

I wait. The forest is a dark blur, and it's a little scary to be watching it like this. But the fear only lasts for a little bit before it turns into drowsiness.

Being all cozy and warm in the cold don't help either.

Stay awake.

I'd have to wait for another week if I missed tonight to see him.

But when the clock hits four in the morning, I've reached my breaking point. I'd already chucked away my blanket hoping that the cold would have to keep me awake.

I blink drowsily.

Where is he?

I couldn't...

Another hour passes. Now it's five in the morning, and the sky is a dim gray when I feel a hand graze my cheek. It's such a light touch, but enough to make me burst awake.

And he's there, right in front of me.

He lowers himself to level his eyes with mine. And he just looks so beautiful, with the silver contrast of his circlet over his long, dark locks. It's tucked over his ears, spilling down his shoulders to end just right below.

"Hello, love."

"Why are you out here?"

To say thank you. I sign, catching a glimpse of another deer. Because of you we don't need to worry about food. Father's getting better too.

He smiles. And only then I think I know what the elders had meant, when they'd said that the elves could simply mesmerize with their beauty alone.

"Good." He murmurs, his slender hand tucking the fallen blanket over my shoulders. "Did you stay out here all night?"

I nod.

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