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"He's a what?"

An elf, I sign. An elf, Jungkook. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just thought...

"I did notice that you were happier these last few weeks." My brother says, fixing a pointed glance at me. "But I never expected—"


He points a shocked finger at Tae, who's just standing there with a completely passive expression.

"Is he our mystery hunter?!"

I nod.

His head whips towards his direction. And then he asks something that's so totally unexpected, yet so expected at the same time.

"Did you try my cherry pie? Did you like it?"

Of course. It's Jungkook.

Tae's eyes flicker briefly to the side before he nods. But even before he can say anything else, my brother is all over him.

"I've been wanting to meet you for so long— I cannot believe that Rinei literally knew about you all this time and didn't tell me!" He exclaims, his eyes practically sparkling.

"You're the savior of our family. Without the animals you hunted for us we would've never—"

Grabbing the back of his shirt with both hands, I drag him away. Then I sign quickly, when he blinks at me.

You're getting in his space, Jungkook.

He blinks again.

"Sorry." He apologizes cheekily.

"So, uh— how'd you two meet? Because I thought, like you elves don't really like us humans, and..."

I start to answer his question.

He helped me when I was lost in the Forest.

"I court your sister."

My eyes instantly flash up.


"You...what?" Jungkook murmurs, right after me. But Tae just tilts his head, his voice completely calm and casual. It's almost like he's telling us what the weather is.

"I am courting your sister."

Court? As in...as in?

Like love? Like he loves me?


"You...like Rinei?" He says, stunned. Then he places his fingertips against his head, features scrunching. "Wait. I know you're our savior and all, but my sister?"

"That's kind of pushing it, don't you think?"

"Why?" Tae whispers, his eyes holding mine. And I instinctively look away, a shiver running down the back of my spine. His eyes are just so intense I can barely look at him.

He's just too gorgeous. And he wanted me?

But I was mute. He'd also just met me, only a few weeks ago—

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