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"I want to see Rinei."

"She's fine."

"I want to see her."

The tips of her eyes narrow. Arlen lightly steps down from the windowsill, the silky hem of her gown nearly touching the floor. Her blonde locks sparkle with the sun.

"Do you not trust me when I tell you that she is perfectly safe?"

"I believe you." I say. "But still. It's a new environment for her."

She smirks. "Hate to break it to you, angel. But your sister seems more resilient than yourself."

I frown. "That's not true."

"Just rest." She waves at the bed in the center of the room. "I'll leave you alone if you'd like."

My eyes flicker.

I was tired. But I couldn't sleep.

Because I was too afraid of what I might see in my dreams if I did. And I didn't want to remember.

I just wanted to forget, bury the memory deeper until the pain eventually dulled with time.


And understanding glints in her pale blue eyes.

"I can't take you to your sister." She murmurs, laying a hand on my shoulder. "Because it's too dangerous, for the both of you. I'll try to find a time later. But for now,"

"Get dressed. We're going out."

"I thought you said it was too risky?" I blink, holding up the dark cloak she tosses in my direction.

"It's not risky if it's only you and me. Elves will believe that it's just a typical noble lady, accompanied by her slave."

I wince.

"Your slave?"

She gives me a glance. Then she comes closer, her head slightly tilted.

She smiles.

"That's just what the others will think. You and I both know that what we have is nothing like that."

What we have?

I turn my head away. Then I wrap the cloak around my shoulders, pulling down the dark hood deep over my flushing face. My lips are pursed underneath the hem.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


Elven is beautiful.

I wish Rinei was here to see this as I stand near the silver railing of Palace Gardens, my eyes looking down on the glowing City below. The trees rustle softly in the breeze, swathed by the setting light of the sun.

The pods where the elves live in are high up from the ground, hung from the thick tree branches like fruit. I can see so many of them from here.

And they're so busy decorating their individual trees, with flowers and lights.

Arlen stops next to me.

"Pretty, isn't it?"

"What are they doing?" I whisper, blinking in confusion. "Is there something special happening?"

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