Chapter 44: Defeating the Evil Dragon

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A cave opened in the middle of a steep mountain range. That's where we were.

 A steep, almost monolithic rock wall. Colchis, the evil dragon, made a huge hole in the rock and took up residence there.

 He melted this rock wall with his fiery breath and dug through the cave to make a nest.

'Ready? You remember the procedure. Especially Reid."

"'Oh, oh."

'This battle, if one of us is missing, we have zero chance of winning. ...... Sorry, I wish I could have come up with a better plan'.

'What are you talking about? It's amazing that you can find a way to win against that evil dragon."

 Seeing Cortina's unsure expression, I tap her on the shoulder.

 This battle, I have so many things to do, it's complicated.

 And if any of these actions fail, I could be wiped out.

 But that's fine. Our mission is to destroy the evil dragon.

 I make up my mind behind a rock that has been burned and melted and hardened until it is glassy.

 From here onwards, there is no guarantee of survival.

 If we still don't defeat it, ...... tens of thousands of people, or even more, will die.

'Then let's go .......'

 Following Cortina's instructions, we proceeded deeper into the cave.

 We created a space tens of metres inside the mountain, in the middle of which the evil dragon was sleeping.

 His sleep was shallow. If I made a loud noise here, I would instantly be used as bait.

 With my gift of stealth, I would conceal my presence, only one person ahead of the others, crawling around the nest and setting traps. That's my role.

 And in the middle of this, the metallic clang of armour rings out and Lyell and his men step in.

 The noise wakes the evil dragon instantly.

 This is for my safety.

 No matter how much I have the gift of stealth, I can't keep setting traps right under the nose of a sharp dragon forever.

 The aim is to deliberately step in after a certain amount of progress and draw the attention of the evil dragon.

 The evil dragon, disturbed in its sleep, became annoyingly angry and began to threaten.

 I crawled around in the shadows of the slippery wall, and it didn't have the wind to notice me.

'Maria, Gadolus!'

 Cortina's voice echoes across the battlefield.

 At the same time, Gadrus raises his shield to protect Lyell, and Maria puts up a magical barrier.

 Immediately after these preparations were finished, the evil dragon spat out a scorching hot breath.

 Gadrus' shield and Maria's barrier blocked the breath that could melt rock.

 The Shield of Gadolus is a legendary shield from mythological times, a gem said to be made of the scales of the demon dragon Farbenil.

 Moreover, it is so densely enchanted that even the evil dragon's breath cannot break through it.

 However, in the end, it is a shield. Only one person can be protected.

 Maria's magic is also the highest level of defence magic.

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