Chapter 33 - Measuring Magic

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Even when Cortina tsked at him, Maxwell seemed to be in the wind.

 He didn't seem at all put out by the situation, and returned his words aloofly.

What's wrong with using a certain thing? That's what you've always said.

''Some of us have never seen you before, so you might want to mend your act a bit!''

 After preparing the tea, Maxwell extended his hand in my direction, overcoming Cortina's petty complaints.

'Here, Nicole, is it? You can put your hand on this board."

''A little more language, .......''

'Shut up, Cortina. That's why Reid dumped you, because you're like that."

"'Hey, hey, hey! What's that got to do with this...!"

'You're in the habit of easily throwing away a once-in-a-thousand chances. Look at you, you've missed the boat."

 No, wait. As far as I remember, I should definitely have been the one dumped.

 Why are we talking like Cortina was dumped?

' "Um, ......"

'Hmm? Oh, you mean this story? She dumped Reid to hide her embarrassment, but she's still got a lot of work left to do."

" What are you teaching a child?"

 Cortina finally uses force and knocks Maxwell out with a poka-poka. But with the taller Maxwells and the cat people, many of whom are smaller, their protests don't have much effect.

 I mean, I'd like to hear the rest of the story too, that's for sure.

' Reid was such a naive man, you know. He thought he'd been dumped, so he acted as normal as possible, so he didn't get a chance to cut her off. A military commander would be amazed to hear that. Ha ha ha!"

'Maxwell! You remember that, don't you!"

 Oh my God. I mean, that thing? If I hadn't given up and re-attacked, they would have agreed!

 I've admitted to myself that I'm not a quitter, but apparently I have to take that back too.

 Unexpectedly, I was grinning and smiling when I saw how cute Cortina was.

 She blames me for that.

'Oh, hey Nicole chan? What's that nasty look on your face, dear?"

'What? What, is there ...... such a thing, maybe?"

'You can't make fun of grown-ups now, can you? We all make mistakes like this once or twice in our lives!"

'In your case, it was fatal. Only a lover would have confessed to a military strategist nicknamed the Grim Reaper.'

'That was just Reid being gutless ...... no, it wasn't. ......"

 Cortina, who had been so vigorous, suddenly became more demure.

 Seeing this, I come up with the cause. She was one of those whose life was changed by my death.

 She followed my instructions and fled from the presence of the demi-god. That must have been traumatic for her.

'Oh no, that's enough. No more of this talk! Come on, get on with your measurements."

 He shakes his head as if to shake something off and urges me to take measurements. However, I could see in his face that he was straining.

 An enemy who couldn't find a way to win on his own. A past that forced me to run away in the face of it.

 She, too, has lived with a heavy burden on her shoulders.

' ...... yeah."

 That doesn't mean I'm going to come forward now.

 If she sees me so far removed from my former self, she will feel burdened by that.

 At least if I had been reborn as a man, I could have come forward. ...... I'm a woman, I'm a woman.

 I've had a lot of hugs and cheek rubs.

 I silently put my hand on the tablet and my current magical aptitude is displayed on the tablet.

 Reading it, Maxwell gave a small nod.

'Hoh. Your magic value is a tonne higher. If this is the case, I won't run out of magic in the middle of battle.'

'Yeah, but ...... magic, I can't use much of it.'

'That's because control is extremely low. Moreover, the release power is also low. To be honest, I'd say it's a state of being at a loss."

 Three figures are important in measuring magical ability.

 They are potential power, release power and control power.

 Potential is the overall value of the magic power that can be held in the body, which is like a tank, if you like.

 And liberation power is the amount of power that can be drawn from it at one time. It can be called a tap, so to speak.

 Control power is the ability to transform the pumped out magical power into magic.

 Without latent power, the magic power will run out immediately, and without liberation power, the magic power cannot be drawn out.

 Without control power, it is not possible to guide magic power to multiple targets or even send it to a remote location.

 These three powers are the most important elements of all.

 I seem to be the type of person who has problems with the liberation and control powers.

''No, don't worry. The liberation power grows as you grow up, and it can grow as much as you want depending on your training. The same goes for control. In fact, I can say that you have more potential than anyone else because of your high potential, which is the most important quality".

''Is that so?"

'I could give you a drumbeat. 'I'll give you my word, because Reid, Gadrus and the others didn't have a shred of potential. They are much better apprentices than that."

 Maxwell pats me on the head to encourage me.

 Isn't your attitude somehow too different from mine in my previous life? Because I haven't forgotten how you pointed and laughed when you found out you had zero potential.

'With this much magic power, it shouldn't be a hindrance to your admission.'

' 'Well, then!

'Mm, accepted. Welcome to the Raum Institute of Magic."

 As the daughter of a hero, I have connections that are in some ways more powerful than anyone else's.

 As long as I have a minimum of magical power, I have no problem getting in.

 This is how I qualified for admission to the Academy of Magic.

Reborn as a hero's daughter, the hero aims to be a hero again.Where stories live. Discover now