Chapter XX: Prospects for the future.

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Prospects for the future are in place for now.

 I was to study for admission to the Academy of Magic in the Kingdom of Raum in two years' time.

 I have the gift of interference magic.

 This is a so-called support magic that temporarily interferes with the performance of weapons and other items to strengthen their attack and defence capabilities.

 It does not have a strong offensive power, and the magic it strengthens lasts only a few minutes or a day at most, so it is not permanent.

 It is a simple, easy-to-use magic that can be used even by those who have only a little bit of experience with magic. That is interference magic.

''But that doesn't mean it's something to be underestimated. The more high level the magic is, the more extraordinary the effect will be.'

 Maria, standing on the teaching platform, explained as much with her chest puffed out.

 This is a room in my - or rather Lyell's - mansion, and this is where we are going to learn about magic.

 Michelle, who is aiming to enter the academy like me, is also going to study the basics of magic here.

 She is not entering the Academy of Magic, but the Academy of Basic Adventurer Skills, which is a different type of academy, but like the Academy of Magic, it is chaired by Maxwell's grandfather.

'Is that so?"

'I wonder if Michelle would particularly benefit from this? Nicole will be able to enhance Michelle's bow, and Michelle will be able to do combinations like taking down the enemy."

'That's great! I'll do it with Nicole-chan!"

 Michelle, with her arms raised in the air, cheerfully declares this, but it is a prerequisite for me to be able to use interference magic.

 The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your own home is to be a good friend.

''But, Mum...''

'Call me Doctor, Nicole.

 Meh, poke my forehead with my finger to rectify what I call it.

 It's a habit of hers in these situations. She becomes strangely over-skinned and familiar.

 The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your own home is to be a good friend.

''Sensei, if all you can do is raise basic abilities, you can't expect such dramatic effects, can you?''

'Good point, Nicole. But there are a thousand different types of interference. Some magic can even interfere with existence itself.

The existence itself?"

'Yes. For example, there is magic that can interfere with you and turn you into a monster.'


 I was rather seriously surprised.

 Maxwell had also used such magic systems, but he had never seen a scene where he transformed into a monster.

 But Maria then said something even more surprising.

'Of course, you have to be a creature you know well to transform.'

' I know it well: ......'

 Yes, I can transform into creatures I know well. And the being I know best in this world, that's ......

Can you transform ...... into Reid's ...... form?"

Reid ......?" Oh, Finia told you. About your mother's old mate.'

'Eh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.'

 The possibility exists that I inadvertently spoke out of turn.

 I was in a woman's body, but I still had a chance to get back into a man's body.

'That transformation magic, I want to use it too!

'That's not going to be easy, is it? It is, after all, the highest level of interference magic."

'But I will! Oh, and how long is the duration of the effect?"

'Well, I heard that the transformation is physically demanding, so the duration of the effect was longer. Would it have lasted a day?"

 For a day! That means that I can go back into reid once and not have to call it back until the next day, don't you think?

 In effect, I' m back to my old body.

''Yes, yes, yes. Anyway, that's enough chit-chat. Let's start with training to sense the magic in your body.''

 With a clap of her hands, Maria returns to the basic theory of magic.

 But I'm still excited. I can't even swing a sword with this body. But if I can use this position to learn Lyell's swordsmanship and use it in my original body, I can ......

 I might be able to reach the heights I'm aiming for.

 I was then able to get to the point where I could sense the magic, so after a somewhat laborious performance, I tried to make it look like I had succeeded in sensing it.

 Maria was blindsided by the speed of the achievement, but when I told her that I had felt that way for a long time, she looked satisfied and decided to move on to the next step.

 Michelle-chan was still unable to sense magic, so for the time being, I was the only one who could move on to the next step in the magic class.

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