Chapter XI - Attack of the Monsters.

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I went outside the village the other day with Maria and Finia, and the sense of openness is still different from inside the village, which has a closed atmosphere.

 And if sweet and sour fruits await ahead, it is no wonder that the children's feet are light.

 In no time at all, they reached the target tree, and the pickers began to climb up it.

'Wait a minute!'

'You can climb too, right Nicole chan? Come on, come on!"

 A little miffed at the boy who calls out to me provocatively like that, I quickly start climbing the tree.

 I quickly make my way to the end of the branch and am about to reach for the fruit when...

 Then I noticed a shadow moving at the edge of my vision.

 It was moving across the western meadow in a concealed manner, closing in on the village.

'Was that - Kobold?'

 Kobolds, the weakest monsters in this world.

 It looks like a bipedal dog, but its essence is close to that of a wild beast.

 And yet it has the same level of intelligence as a stupid human, which makes it bad for the danger it poses.

 Would it be understandable if we said that they are dogs with the temperament of a brutal killer and the dexterity of a human?

 Such monsters were approaching the village in packs.

 The monsters are only dangerous enough for an adult to be able to drive them away without any problem. But the problem is that they are not much bigger than children.

 Usually, even if they enter the village, they only cause damage to the extent of destroying the vegetables in the fields and under the eaves.

 But if we were just kids - we'd be dangerous enough.

'Oh no, it's Kobolds! Everybody let the adults know!"

 The high vantage point of the tree tops allowed us to spot them, otherwise we would have been taken by surprise.

 The village has the ultimate weapon, Lyell, so it is unlikely that any serious damage would have been done. But that is limited to the inside of the village.

 We don't have the ability to get rid of those Kobolds now.

 Hearing my words, the children in the village are running out of the village in a fit of bubbles.

 If it were true, I would doubt whether it is true, but in this village, the risk of monsters is a danger that we are exposed to all the time.

 There is nothing to be gained by telling these lies.

'Uncle, they say there's a Kobold out there! Go and get Master Lyell!"

 Although this is a little outside the village, it is still close to the village.

 If you drive for a while, villagers frequently come and go.

 I heard a child calling out to the villagers.

 But I haven't climbed down from the tree yet. The Kobolds are clearly trying to avoid our eyes.

 If we lose sight of him, we could be in trouble.

'Ni, Nicole, let's get the hell out of here.

'No, O--I'll stay here and keep an eye on things. You run to the village as fast as you can."

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