Chapter 21 | Dying Since the Day You Were Born

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James' p.o.v

Just days before Sarah's birthday, I was at the mall, looking at engagement rings.

I sighed, my eyes locked on a gold one with a diamond in the middle. I tried to imagine what it would look like on Sarah's finger, and I could see the vision so clearly. But the thought of her saying no made my stomach knot.

"Hello sir!".

"JESUS- oh, hi." I said, startled.

The young latino woman laughed. "I'm sorry for startling you." she told me. "So, what brings you in today?".

"Uh…". I scratched the back of my neck. "I'm… just looking. My girlfriend's birthday is on the sixteenth.".

The woman smiled. "Oh, okay. And, you're thinking of marrying her?".

"Yeah... I am.".

"Well, tell me if you need anything!".

I took one last look at the ring I was contemplating about. No, I can't do it. I told myself.

I walked out of the store, feeling empty on the inside. "Listen, if you don't ask her, you might never get to marry her.". Lars' words echoed in my head.

As I was heading out of the mall, I saw a man sitting near the doors. He had a dirty blonde mop on top of his head, a big crooked nose, and by the way he was dressed, he looked homeless. He looked oddly familiar, though.

I cautiously approached him and he looked up at me.

"James?!" he said in utter disbelief.

"Sam?" I asked. "What the hell happened to you?".

"Well, my band kicked me out, so I don't live in the flat anymore. And now I'm homeless.".

"Holy shit! How long have you been homeless?".

"About four or five years now.".

I sighed, looking down into his brown eyes full of longing. I did feel bad for him and wanted to help him, but, remembering what he did to Sarah made me want to leave him there.

"Will you please help me?" he finally asked.

"I dunno, Sam. Ever thought that maybe this is karma for how you treated Sarah? And multiple other women?" I asked him.

"Please, I'm not like that anymore! I would never hurt anyone! I know what it's like to starve now, and what it's like to have nowhere to call home!".

I eyed him through narrow slits. He sounded pretty convincing, but you can't trust everyone in this world.

"Listen, I'm not letting you stay at my house, no fucking way! But, I will take you to a homeless shelter, how about that?" I asked.

"Thank you so much!" Sam replied as I extended my hand to help him up. He smelled like he'd gone swimming in a swamp, but I tried not to let it bother me.

"What's going on with Metallica these days?" he asked as we got into my car.

"Well, we released a new album in November." I told him.

"Oh, really? I wish I could hear it. You don't really hear a lot of music when you don't got a home, y'know?".

I nodded. "I might have a CD of it in my glovebox; check if you want to." I offered, making my way out of the parking lot.

"Actually?!" Sam gasped. I glanced at him and his eyes were wide with excitement and life.


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