Chapter 5 | Motorbreath

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Sarah's p.o.v

I woke up alone, tangled in the white sheets of the bed. Chills ran through my body as the memory of waking up that morning without Cliff ran through my mind.

I rolled out of bed and saw the door of the mini fridge was left open. The few cans of beer inside were calling my name.

I don't need it. I told myself. I don't need it. But, soon enough, I found myself on my knees in front of the mini fridge, counting how many cans were left. There were eight.

Oh, what the hell. I thought, taking one out and downing it just a couple sips. For years I'd thought of alcohol as some sort of rat poison, and there I was, crushing a can in no time flat.

"Fuck." I said, throwing the empty can to the ground, realizing what I'd just done.

Whatever, just have another one. I told myself. We've already ruined our drinking record for today, it doesn't matter.

After drinking another beer, I got dressed. Noticing it was almost noon, I wondered where James was.

I pulled back the curtains and saw him and Kirk, and Lars standing down in the parking lot, having a cigarette. I wanted to go and join them, but I couldn't in the state I was in; all panicked about my drinking.

I went to the fridge and opened another beer, sitting on the floor and crying. I felt defeated. I felt bad. I felt like a glutton.
But I kept drinking anyway.


The fridge was empty, and beer cans were on the floor all around me.

I heard laughter, and the door to the room opened. Looking up, I saw James, Kirk, and Lars walk into the room.

"Hey, Sarah." James said.

"We brought you lunch." Kirk told me.

"I don't want lunch!" I said, rising to my feet. I ran my hand through my blonde hair, feeling dizzy and like I was going to puke.

"That's alright, you don't have to have any." James told me. He opened the fridge, and saw that there was no more beer left. "Sarah, did you drink all of my beer?".

"Uhhh…" I started. He sighed and turned around to look at me. "I'm sorry.".

"I've still got some in my room." Kirk said.

"Alright, then, let's go to your room." James replied, sounding a little annoyed. I followed behind him, super worried that I had made him mad.

"James, I'm sorry." I said to him. "I'm so sorry.".

"It's alright." he sighed, although I could tell he was annoyed that I had drank all of our beer.

I sat on the floor of Kirk's hotel room, stretching my legs out in front of me. Kirk handed me a beer and I took a long sip. I didn't care anymore.

"Anyone got a cigarette?" I asked, setting my beer down in between my legs.

"Yeah, I do." Kirk replied. "Want one?".


He motioned for me to follow him out onto the balcony. Lars came with us, too.

Kirk lit my cigarette and I leaned over the balcony, the breeze blowing my hair back slightly. I noticed how empty my stomach was since I hadn't eaten since the night before.

"Fuck, I'm so hungry." I said, watching the smoke rise in front of me.

"Well, then, why don't you eat something?" Lars asked me, dropping his cigarette in the ashtray.

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