Chapter 10 | Thank Goodness For Music

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My gut twisted every time I saw a car go down the street, thinking it was my dad.

"He still isn't here?" James asked, popping open a can of beer.

"No." I sighed. "But that's a good thing.".

"Y'know, I'm sure your dad still loves you.".

I turned around from the window to face James. "Well... you'd hope so. But I'm not sure. After being abandoned by my real mom... I...". I turned back towards the window, sighing.

"What is it?".

"I'm... I'm afraid of being abandoned again.".

"I hope you know I would never leave you. I'm always gonna be here, no matter what.".

A blue 1978 station wagon pulled up outside. The front door opened and my dad emerged. He opened the back door and Blair jumped out, seeing me through the window and waving.

"They're here." I told James, going to the door to let them in.

"Mommy!" Blair shouted running up the walkway. She wrapped her arms around my waist tightly.

"Hey, sweetie!" I smiled.

My dad walked in the door. "Hi, Sarah." he said. He saw James drinking a can of beer, then looked back to me, obviously angry.

"Don't." I whispered, shaking my head.

"Sarah, this is what I mean-".

"No, Dad, it's half past two. It's okay. I'm sober.".

My dad sighed, looking back at James. James looked up, and for an awkward moment, they just stared at each other.

"Hi." James said.

"Hi, James." My dad replied. The tension was so thick, it could've been cut with a knife. "Well, I better be on my way. See you three in a while, take care.".

"Alright, bye, dad.".

"Bye, Sarah, behave yourself.".

Behave yourself?? What the fuck?! "Bye, dad. Love you." I said.

"Yep, love you, babygirl.".

I closed the door and let out a deep sigh. Did he think I was still his little girl who needed to be protected from the outside world or something?!

"Daddy! What is that?" I heard Blair shout.

James laughed. "It's a cast.".

"A cast? What happened.".

I sat on the couch beside James. "I got hurt." he told Blair.

"Oh no!" she said. She looked at me with her brown eyes. "Mommy, daddy got hurt!".

"I know, sweetie." I replied, her cuteness melting my heart.

"I'll be okay though." James told her. "Here, come sit on my lap.". She sat on James' lap, examining his cast.

"Did you hear what my dad said?" I asked him quietly.

"Yeah," he sighed. "I… I don't know what to tell you, babe. I mean, he is your dad.".

I nodded. "I know. It just bothers me that he doesn't trust us.".

James kissed my cheek. "I know it does, hun. I know.".

"Where did you go?" Blair asked me.

"Everywhere." I replied. "Me and your dad went all around the world.".

"Wow.". Blair's eyes- which looked exactly like Cliff's- lit up. "I want to do that one day, and be in a big band.".

Me and James laughed. "You can if you put your mind to it, my little girl." he told her, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Jeez, your hair has darkened up a lot. Hasn't it, Sarah.".

End Of Passion Play - {James Hetfield/Metallica}Where stories live. Discover now