Chapter Five

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Vinnie woke up early and got ready. A few hours later Y/n woke up and hopped down the stairs. She then used her crutches and went out into the kitchen.

Thomas: hahaha! Oh hey Y/n how are you feeling?

Y/n: Like your car was going two hundred and ran over my ankle.

Mia: Well that sounds horrible.

Y/n: Yep!

Y/n sat down as Alex grabbed two trophies and gave them to her.

Alex: Well here's some good news you won first place with Noah for your duet and for the group dance.

Y/n that's at least one good thing.

As Y/n was sitting down she heard Vinnie walk in talking about the fight?!

Y/n: Thomas what's going on?

Thomas: You know how Vinnie is in a boxing match in like four months?

Y/n: Yeah.

Thomas: Yeah well tonight Bryce is fighting this YouTuber from Canada that says he can beat Bryce and Vinnie so they're going to go watch.

Y/n: We'll if you're all going I'm coming too!

Thomas: You really shouldn't, you just broke your ankle yesterday!

Y/n: Oh come on I haven't seen Bryce in a long time and we used to be really good friends!

Vinnie: You're not going!

Y/n: Bryce is my friend who I haven't seen in a long time!

Vinnie: Well I'm your boyfriend and I'm asking you to stay here to keep you safe.

Thomas: Wait, you asked her out?

Y/n: No he didn't.

Vinnie smiled and looked at Thomas then at everyone else then back at Y/n.

Vinnie: Will you be my girlfriend?

Y/n: Only if I can go to the boxing match. Hahaha!

Vinnie: Yeah, yes, you can go to the boxing match.

Y/n: Well what time is the boxing match?

Vinnie: It's tonight at 7.

Y/n: Ok so we have to leave at like five-thirty because of traffic and how far away we live.

Y/n went upstairs and made some tiktoks and a YouTube video.

Vinnie started streaming for two hours and Y/n watched for a little bit but then went to target with, Alex, Kouvor, and Mia. They started vlogging your target trip and the things we were getting. After they filmed for like ten minutes Mia asked Y/n a question.

Mia: Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Mia: Did you and Vinnie ever well, you know?!

Y/n: Yeah we did.

Mia: Really? Was it wired?

Y/n: A little only because we were at Chase's house and they were doing the same thing in Chase's room.

Kouvor: Oh my god! Alex, why aren't you surprised?

Alex: Because Vinnie told me about it.

Mia: Well Thomas and I had no clue.

Y/n: Ok well can we stop talking about my life and check out so I can go get us all food!

Everyone: Hahaha, yeah we can.

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