Chapter Three

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The next day...

Y/n and Vinnie woke up and walked out into the kitchen to see Charlie wearing Chase's shirt.

Y/n: Don't tell me, Charlie!

Charlie smiled.

Charlie: Yeah it happened! But clearly, the same thing happened to you.

Y/n: Yeah.

Charlie: What I don't understand is how Vinnies awake after all that, I mean Chase is still sleeping.

Vinnie: I'm very resilient, Vinnie said stretching his arms.

Charlie: Laughed and continued to eat her cereal.

Vinnie looked at Y/n and smiled.

Y/n: What are you smiling about?

Vinnie: Oh nothing just that I would rather see you with that t-shirt off.

Charlie and Y/n looked at each other and Charlie were wide-eyed.

Charlie: I'm going to go see if Chase is up so I'll see you guys later.

Vinnie looked at Y/n and started dying laughing.

Y/n: Vinnie it's not funny.

Vinnie came closer and started touching Y/ns waist.

Vinnie: Yeah and what are you going to do about me laughing?

Y/n looked at him and just stood there until Chase walked in.

Chase: Guys this is my house so just please go do that in the guest room haha!

Vinnie and Y/n smiled and walked went into the other room to change into the clothes they were wearing from last night. After a few hours, they went to the house and showered.

Vinnie: You look so pretty!

Y/n: Thanks!

Vinnie: So I was thinking because of the filming Chase has to do in the back yard tonight do you want to go shopping tonight?

Y/n: Yeah sure!

After a few hours, Vinnie and Y/n go shopping.

Vinnie: So do you want to go to the jewelry store?

Y/n: For what?

Vinnie: Uhhh Wow ok! Hahaa!

Y/n: Sorry I'm just wondering.

Vinnie: Tell you what how about you go to the store and do whatever and meet me back here in one hour!

Vinnie and Y/n separate and go shopping.

After twenty minutes Y/n starts to talk to the paparazzi.

Paparazzi: So are you and Vinnie dating?

Y/n: I can not confirm nor can deny any of these roomers.

Y/n continues to shop and after an hour Vinnie and Y/n meet up again.

Vinnie pulls out a black box with a necklace in it.

Y/n: Is this for me?

Vinnie: Yeah it's so everyone knows your mine.

Y/n smiles and Vinnie put the necklace on Y/n.

The necklace said in all diamonds Property of Vinnie Hacker.

After that, they went home.

Chase: Hey guys we just finished up.

Vinnie: Oh ok well where is everyone?

Chase: There-

Chase notices the necklace.

Chase: Da*n! Y/n you're collared!

Y/n laughs.

Vinnie: I had it made a few days ago and got it when we were shopping.

Chase: Um anyways it really sick, but Ummm everyone is out in the back by the pool.

Vinnie: Thanks but are you coming or?

Chase: Yeah in a little I have some stuff to do first.

Vinnie: Oh ok see you in a little bro.

Vinnie and Y/n walk outside and see, Charli, Dixie, Nikkita, Larry, Patrick, Connor, Nick, Thomas, Mia, Alex, Kouvor, and Michael.

Nikkita: Oh look who it is!

Nikkita ran and hugged Y/n.

Nikkita: OMG that necklace girl!

Y/n: Oh yeah Vinnie got it for me.

Nikkita: Well it's so cute!

Y/n: Thanks!

Nikkita and Y/n walked over to, Mia, Charli, Dixie, and Kourvor.

Mia: Hey guys.

Y/n: Hey!

Kouvor: Wait are you going to come in here with us or?

Y/n: Yeah I have to change first though. So I'll be right back.

Y/n went inside and changed into a bathing two-piece blue patterned bathing suit with a slit at the top.

Y/n walked back outside and hung out with the girls.

While Vinnie was in the pool with the guys.

Thomas: So Vinnie are you and Y/n like dating or what's going on because she's legit wearing a necklace that says "Property of Vinnie Hacker".

Vinnie: Well I mean I think we're just getting to the point of me asking her out in like a week.

Thomas leaves the hot tub and walks over to Mia.

Mia: Hey babe!

Thomas: Hey are you ready for the announcement in like five seconds?

Mia: Yeah, but I wonder how thier going to react to the second season of the hype house show production being started tomorrow.

Thomas: I think it'll be fine.

Mia: Well then go do it.

Thomas: Ok...

Thomas walked in front of everyone.

Thomas: Excuse me guys I need all of your attention!

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Thomas.

Thomas: Ok thank you! Now as you all know our Netflix show just was uploaded a few weeks ago and we filmed over a year ago. So now starting tomorrow morning we're filming the second season.

Alex: Wait that's so sick!

Thomas: Thanks but a lot of the drama is going to be with the content and Vinnie, Y/n, and Michael.

Vinnie: Ok.

Thomas: So please not too much drinking or any actually because we need everyone up at eight tomorrow.

Michael: Wait we ordered a keg like five minutes ago.

Thomas: I know I canceled it.

Connor: Dang ok Thomas gotta be everyone's dad! Hahaha!

Everyone hung out for a while at the pool until,

Vinnie came up from behind Y/n and pulled her into the hot tub.

Y/n: Vinnie!

Vinnie: What?

Y/n: Nothing!

Vinnie put his arm around Y/n and he went on his phone.

After a few more hours of hanging out, everyone went inside and showed. After that, they all went to bed in their own rooms. 

Hype House SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora