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March 25, 2016

I sit on the couch, doodling in my lyric journal. I've been trying to get a something written today, but I just can't focus. It probably has to do with the excitement of finally booking a trip home for the first time since Christmas. Or maybe it's the excitement of finally getting my first big break. Likely a bit of both. After the breakup and the writing lull I've been in Mitch and I agreed to book a trip home for the weekend, just to unplug for a few days, especially since I have the album stuff coming up and I'll be away for a while.

I need to have a productive work day but I can't seem to get anything done, so I told myself I couldn't close my journal until Mitch was home; only then can I clock out for the night. Let's be honest though, Mitch could walk through the door five minutes from now or an hour from now and I still won't be able to focus.

Speaking of Mitch, as soon as I hear his footsteps coming towards the door. I slam my notebook closed in relief.

"Honey, I'm home!" He calls through the house, jokingly.

Seconds later, he's standing in front of me in the living room as he sets his guitar down gently in the corner right next to the piano.

"Hey Mitch, how's the new job been treating you? I feel like I'm seeing you less and less since you started working in the same building as me." I pout, tossing my momentarily useless notebook onto the coffee table as I leaned back on the sofa. It's only been six days since I called him in to help out Harry's team, but he hit it off with the lot of them right away and they've been working together constantly ever since. I have to say, I'm really glad Mitch has found something to do outside of the pizza shop. We both moved out here to pursue music, I've always felt bad being the only one that's found a steady job in the industry.

"It's good. I'm actually really liking it. Although I can't say I particularly enjoy helping write the music." He shrugged with a mischievous grin.

I frowned in concern, "Writing has always come natural to you Mitch. If you aren't enjoying it, you should stop. I'd hate for your hobby to become a chore- Why are you smiling?"

"It''s not that I don't like writing or even writing with Harry- He's an incredible writer, we work really well together. It just makes me slightly uncomfortable to be writing songs about having sex with my sister." He admitted with a grimace.

My jaw dropped.

"You're joking."

"Wish I was." He shrugged. "I did not need to know that you 'feel so good"

I let out a shriek at this, shocked at the forwardness of the words. I threw a pillow at his head with a scoff.

"He's a celebrity, he's had sex with plenty of people." I defended.

"Plenty of people who have family in Carolina?" He shot back.

My mouth hung open, "He did not."

"He most certainly did." Mitch confirmed. "Great song, actually. Just wish I didn't have to know the entire backstory."

I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment. "Oh my god I can never show my face to the world ever again!"

Mitch chuckled at my reaction. "Harry actually invited us both over tonight and I already told him yes so get ready."

I peeked up at him, trying to gauge whether or not he was joking. "No, no, absolutely not, no. I am not going." I said defiantly. I will never be able to look Harry Styles in the eyes again, knowing he wrote a song about having sex with me.

"S, you're going to see him again eventually whether you like it or not. I work with him now, not to mention in the same building as you. Just come. He doesn't even know you know." Mitch pointed out.

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