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May 25, 2016

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May 25, 2016

Today I wrapped up my first major project as a songwriter. I've been emotional all day just thinking about it. I learned so much here in this new country and I made so many incredible new friends. My time here was a whirlwind, that's for sure, but it's time to say goodbye and head back home to the sunshine that's awaiting me in California.

I can't even begin to put into words how much I've adored this city. The vibe, the music scene, the entirety of this city—it's been something that will have a resounding impact on my life for a very long time. From the buzzing streets of Camden to the legendary studios of Abbey Road, London has been a dream.

But life has a funny way of throwing surprises at us, doesn't it? Just when I was starting to get comfortable, I discovered that I'm about to embark on the craziest journey of all—motherhood. The news that rocked my world only four days ago has now become my why for every little tiny thing I do. Funny, isn't it?

As much as I've reveled in the London experience, I've extended the trip as long as possible and now have come to realize that it's time to say my goodbyes, and return home. I need to focus on me, take care of my well-being, and prepare for the arrival of this tiny human who's decided to join the party.

Saying goodbye to this city feels bittersweet, like parting ways with an old friend. London, has taught me invaluable lessons about myself, how to push the boundaries of my art, and about the sheer magic of self-expression. The connections I've forged here, the collaborations that have pushed me to new heights, and the laughter that has reverberated through every studio session—I'll treasure those memories forever. And I'm certain I'll be back as long as they'll have me.

My flight is scheduled for an early morning departure tomorrow, so I spent the entire day packing up my apartment. In the evening, Jade, Leigh, and Perrie came over for one last takeout dinner together. We shared stories, laughed, and had a great time. I told them about my pregnancy, and they were thrilled. They were curious about the baby's father, asking polite questions, but I couldn't bring myself to reveal his identity. Even though they all seem to get along well and are even friends, I worry that their perception of me might change. It's silly, I'm well aware.

Eventually, I had to find a way to excuse them though because Harry had been texting me all day, asking to FaceTime. I figured it was time to put him out of his misery. With his flight and family catch-up, and my busy day of work yesterday, we didn't get a chance to call even though we had promised not to miss a day. We made it to an impressive streak of zero.

I text Harry a go ahead message to let him know I'm finally free and clean up the kitchen while I await his call. I'm just finishing up, when my phone starts to ring. I throw away the paper towel I was using and walk into the living room to answer.

My jaw drops in shock as his face appears on my screen.

"Surprise?" he offers with a sheepish grin.

He's chopped off his shoulder-length hair, revealing a shorter hairstyle that allows me to see his ears and the skin of his neck for the first time.

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