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June 8th, 2016

I take a deep breath as I step out of Harry's car at the studio. He's here for one week until him and the rest of his studio crew head to Jamaica for a month to write.

Today we're breaking our big news together.

Harry leads the way into the building, guiding me with a firm, protective hand on my back.

Harry greets the woman at the front desk with a polite nod, neither of us have to show our IDs due to his status and my tendency to be here daily.

We walk in the room and it feels like everything stops, all eyes are on us.

Harry clears his throat, "As a couple of you probably already know, Sienna and I have a bit of an announcement."

"What the fuck, are you getting married?" Jeff asks.

"Shut up. She literally hates his guts, they're definitely not getting married." Tyler argues.

"Shit, are y'all going to collaborate? That would be sick!" An oblivious Luke predicts.

Harry laughs at all their banter and Mitch has a knowing smirk on his face.

"Actually, we're expecting a baby at the end of this year." Harry reveals with an endearing grin, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me into his side as a shy smile spreads across my face.

"This is a prank."

"No way."

"You two fucked?"

The voices all echoed around the room, a few of them causing Harry to laugh, I was too busy being intimidated by his friends.

"It's not a joke, it's definitely real." Harry confirms. "And even though the situation and timing isn't ideal, we're actually quite excited."

"Holy shit what're you gonna tell Azoff? He's going to go ballistic." Jeffrey cackles.

"Oh shut up, Jeff already knows and he's not as high strung as you think." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Mitch did you know this whole time?" Tyler asks.

"She's my sister, of course I knew." He deadpans.

The room erupts into a mix of laughter and congratulatory messages as everyone processes the news. I take a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed by the attention, but having Harry and Mitch in the room keeps me grounded.

Amidst the chaos, Jenny, one of Harry's closest friends, gives me a warm hug, expressing her excitement and offering her support. The atmosphere quickly shifts from disbelief to genuine happiness for our little nugget.

I watch as the room buzzes with reactions, feeling a mixture of nervousness and happiness. Harry's hand on my back provides comfort as I take in the whirlwind of emotions around us.

Amidst the laughter and chatter, Harry leans in and whispers, "You doing okay, love?"

I nod, my nerves settling a bit as I meet his reassuring gaze. "Yeah, just a lot to take in."

His thumb strokes my back gently. "They're happy for us, I promise. They're all just surprised."

Jenny joins us, her eyes shining with excitement. "Sienna, this is amazing news! I can't believe you and Haz are having a baby!"

"Thank you, Jenny," I reply with a small smile, feeling grateful for her kindness. Harry informs me that she herself has a baby at home and she begins to tell me all about her own journey into motherhood, which I was actually quite grateful for.

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