"Only because they are better company." She says walking away. He red dress already on and her heels clicking on the marble floors.

"Barnes, we have to get you in a suit or your future wife will burn us all to char." Tony says gulping down his scotch.

"Come on Buck, I promise it'll be painless." Steve hit my back to get me to move.

"Please tell me Tony didn't pick the suit." I groan looking back at him.

"No he didn't, he wanted to put you in a navy blue suede suit."  I shudder at the thought. I say goodbye to T'challa and head up to Steve's room to change. 

As I fixed my tie Steve fixed his hair.

"You uh...are you okay? With me marrying her?" I needed to make sure my brother was alright. After everything we've been through I needed to know I had his full support in this. She is the mother of his kids and he loves her with all his heart.

"Buck." He walks out the bathroom fixing his cuffs. "I love her. I love Ana. I um..I'm in love with her. Which is why I am okay with this. She loves you, you make her happier than I ever have. It's in the little things. She smiles more, is more herself, she.." He looks up and laughs at a memory. "When we were together, she never got me coffee. Not once. She said she didn't know how to use the coffee maker." I laugh knowing that was true. "With you, she makes you coffee, the way you like it, and she does it with a smile, I found out she asked Nat to teach her how to use the coffee machine, just for you. When you enter the room, she doesn't only smile, she blushes. She never looked at me the way she looks at you. That should kill me but ... I don't know ... I, I'm just lucky to have her in my life. After everything that's happened to her, I just want her to be happy, and you do that." Steve places a hand on my shoulder and flattens his lips in a smile that looks painful for him to do. I nod continuing to fix my tie.

When we were finished we head back downstairs. There were more people than I thought. Fury and Maria were there, some SHIELD agents too. The Queen mother was there talking to T'challa and Shuri, surrounded by the Dora Milaje.

I watch Tony walk to the front of the isle. He clears his throat a couple of times, then claps his hands. The entire room becomes quiet. I face him nervously playing with the hem of my cuff.

"Relax Bucky" Steve whispers to me.

"Thank you all for coming in such short notice. As some of you know, Ana has been fighting for her life..." I start shaking thinking of what we have to do tonight. "We have decided to put her in cryo-sleep until we find her cure. What Barnes here, doesn't know, is that everyone here today is working on that cure for her." A tear falls from my eye. I look around at everyone. They all gave me a soft smile and a nod confirming what Tony just said. Everyone here...everyone was working to save my girl.

"But before we go through all of that. We are going to unite Barnes and Ana in matrimony. God help Barnes right?" He laughs causing some others to laugh too. I shake my head feeling Steve pat my back and chuckle too. "Barnes, you should be standing up here. Your fiance is on her way down." I take a deep breath walking up to the alter. I turn to face the isle as the guests sit down. 

"Steve." I look at him waving him up. He gets up from his seat and stands in front of me with confusion on his face. "I know it's a lot to ask already but...can you uh..be my best man?" I shake my arms nervously taking in deep breaths.

"Of course buddy." He smiles thankfully and moves to stand next to me. 

"Do you know who is going to marry us?" I ask him looking around.

"I thought you would know, Tony is doing it." I look over at Tony who smiles at me. It makes sense for it to be him, he's the reason I met her, the person that got me to go give her a tour. The man that talked her into staying at the tower this whole time. If it wasn't for Tony, I wouldn't be the lucky man I am today to soon call her my wife.

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