Chapter 19

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*Selena's POV*

Justin: Maybe we should just break up...

My heart just broke into pieces. But I was too mad to cry and beg for him. No. I'm not like that. I won't ever be like that.

Selena: Well maybe we should.

Justin: No, I...I didn't mean to...I....

Selena: Just forget about me Justin. I don't wanna see you anymore.

I stormed out of his house and the tears start streaming down my face.

I texted Ashley.

Selena: Busy?

Benzo: On my way.

It was funny how the two of us now each other too well even tho we met like a week ago.

As soon as she came I told here everything about our breakup. I was miserable. She was trying her best to comfort me but it didn't really help.

Benzo: I don't know what to say. I mean it's not okay that you cheated on him I would be mad too but he cheated on you too and now he's mad? He's an asshole.

Selena: Haha I know he is. Can you sleep here at my place tonight? My mom's out of town with Justin's mom.

Benzo: Yeah, sure.

*Justin's POV*

I made a big mistake yelling at Selena because she cheated on me but I was way to mad. I still can't believe she did this. It's not the first time for me to do this, but her? She looks like such an innocent and sweet girl. I still am mad and I'm not going to apologize this time!

I was bored so I texted Ryan.

Justin: Heyyy

Ryan: Hey dude. What's up?

Justin: Selena and I broke up :(

Ryan: WTF???!!?!?

Justin: :/ Can I come over tho? I'm kinda bored.

Ryan: well Ashley (A/N Ashley Tisdale) is now at my place but you can join us

Justin: Aww ;) haha I'll leave you two alone and call Chaz. Have fun!

Ryan: Haha I will

*New text convo*

Justin: Heyy

Chaz: Hey, what's up?

Justin: Can I come over? Btw I broke up with Selena.....

Chaz: Woah woah woah what?! And yeah sure you can.

Justin: I'll tell you everything when I arrive. I'm on my way.

I put on some clothes and went to my red Ferarri. I junped in and took off.

The red light appeared on the traffic light so I stopped my car. As soon as it went green I started driving. I heard someone screaming. In one moment, everything went black...


A/N okay guys here's the new chapter, I don't really like it, it's short and shitty but I haven't written for such a long time so I have to kinda feel it again

Okay wtf I don't know what I wanted to say but oh well

Next chapter coming out soooooooon


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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