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y/n sits next to junsgu, gaon, o.de and some other random people but jooyeon is not there anymore.

did he went home? - probably.

"c'mon y/n. one shot more!" a random guys holds a drink in front of y/n's face.

"s-sorry but- okay i'll drenk..drink it" y/n is feeling quite dizzy already.

she takes a sip and everyone in front of her eyes starts to blurry slowly.

"what are you doing you jerk? don't you see she's wasted already?" a voice suddenly speaks up but y/n coordinates who the voice belongs to.

"and what about it? that's even better. she will let me do more if she's drunk" the other dude answers.

"that's enough. y/n we're going" a sudden arm grabs y/n and drags her through the crowd.

y/n can't control her walking and trips over an empty cup.

"shit - are you alright?" the familiar face asks.

y/n is unable to answer and gets picked up.

"i will take you to my home. you need to rest" is the last thing that y/n witnesses.


y/n wakes up by her phone beeping like crazy so she opens her eyes to take her phone.

peach how's the party?

i have to tell u A LOT

but what about u?

are u home?

did u arrive safe?

peach, why aren't u replying?

are u okay?


uhm it's already 9am and u still haven't replied

i'm worried

could u answer???

peach...i hope nothing bad happened


omg u finally replied😭😭

BUT WHY SO LATE? did u want to give me a heart attack or something?

sorry yeonie, but i'll text u later

later? u wanna ghost me again?

i'll explain everything later

ok. i hope it's nothing serious


y/n looks around and the bed she is laying in is definitely not her bed. the room she is located is definitely not her room.

here are so many bookshelf's and posters of some scientists.

that's definitely not her room.

the worst thing is that y/n exactly knows which room that is. she was here before. not once. not twice. she used to be in this room like it's her own.

but how the heck she end up in the room of her ex? the last thing she remembers is the uncomfortable talk they had in the closet.

speaking of the devil the door opens.
"uhm...are you awake?".


texting your ex || jooyeon ffWhere stories live. Discover now