All Too Well || C a s t

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all too well

"You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath."

Sometimes we get hurt in life, we get happy in life, we get sad, emotional, feel pain, feel joy, smile, cry, laugh and create moments, but most importantly: we make mistakes. We learn, we forgive, we forget, we remember, we enjoy, we grow through and with our mistakes. I made a few of them and as much as I regretted them each single day, there was no way to change them. They were inked way too deep into my skin and mind that I could never seem to forget them.

Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong people. Sometimes we feel wrong doing the right thing and other times we feel right doing the wrong thing, but we never know what's right and what is wrong in the first place. We meet people throughout every stage of our life and we get to know them but we can never be sure whether they have good or bad intentions, yet we trust them blindly. We trust them although we can never assume what they are going to do to us.

I tripped and I fell. Instead of falling onto the ground, I fell into the arms of a guy - the wrong guy and that's worse than falling onto the cold hard ground. Falling onto the ground would have probably caused a scar on my knee or a little bruise on my elbow, but falling for the wrong guy caused my heart to bleed continuously because he stabbed a knife in it and twisted and twisted and twisted until I couldn't endure the pain any longer.

It caused me to hurt myself both mentally and physically until I eventually felt disgusted by my own unrecognizable reflection staring back at me in the mirror. I didn't just ruin myself but my life as well simply because I trusted someone I shouldn't have trusted and gave him free access to hurt me in every way possible.

And he did. He hurt me. He hurt me so, so much. He wrapped me around his finger and destroyed me. Or perhaps I destroyed myself because of him. I suffered. I cried. I felt hollow. I felt broken and lonely. He tore me into tiny pieces day by day, but I didn't notice because I was just too in love.

And that was my mistake: to fall in love with the wrong guy without actually knowing who he truly was.

But maybe this thing we had was a masterpiece until he tore it all up and now I was a crumpled up piece of paper lying here because I remember it all too well.



Jeremy IrvineasMiles Reese

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Jeremy Irvine
Miles Reese

Jeremy IrvineasMiles Reese

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Taylor Hill
Rose Johnson

Mikkel JensenasAndrew Butler

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Mikkel Jensen
Andrew Butler

Matthew NoszkaasMatt Williams

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Matthew Noszka
Matt Williams

Josephine SkriverasMandy Jacobs

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Josephine Skriver
Mandy Jacobs

Josephine SkriverasMandy Jacobs

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Simon Nessman
Dylan McCarthy


author's note:

So this was the first chapter of my new story! I hope you guys like it so far. It is always hard to write the beginning of a story but I hope it didn't suck! Please don't forget to vote and maybe leave a comment of your first impression!

All rights reserved to Mileysmuffins on Wattpad.

Copyright © 2015. 

If you spot any type of similarities in this story you may have read in other books before, I can assure you that they are purely and entirely coincidental and not intended because I put my own ideas and thoughts into this book and therefore don't tolerate plagiarism. 


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