The Eden Prime Beacon

Start from the beginning

With the Omni-Tool raised, he pointed it towards the security lock that was located next to the door and the screen changed from a red screen that said 'Locked' to a green circle with two white semi-circles inside, making a face 

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With the Omni-Tool raised, he pointed it towards the security lock that was located next to the door and the screen changed from a red screen that said 'Locked' to a green circle with two white semi-circles inside, making a face 

With the Omni-Tool raised, he pointed it towards the security lock that was located next to the door and the screen changed from a red screen that said 'Locked' to a green circle with two white semi-circles inside, making a face 

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S.I: "Hack complete, have a wonderful day!" 

With that, the door then opened as they all stepped inside to see two human scientists, one being a woman, and the other, a male. Their nametags told us that the woman was named Dr. Warren while the male was Dr. Manuel 

Warren: "Humans, thank the maker!"

Manuel: "Hurry! Close the door! Before they come back!" 

Shepard: "Don't worry, we'll protect you" 

Warren: "Thank you, I think we'll be ok now. It looks like everyone's gone" 

Ashley: "You're Dr. Warren, the one in charge of the excavation. Do you know what happened to the beacon?"

Warren: "It was moved to the spaceport this morning. Manuel and I stayed behind to help pack up the camp. When the attack came, the marines held them off long enough for us to hide. They gave their lives to save us" 

Manuel: "No one is saved. The age of humanity is ended. Soon, only ruin and corpses will remain" 

Shepard: "What else can you tell me about the attack?" 

Warren: "it all happened so fast. One second we were gathering up our equipment. The next we were hiding in the shed while Geth swarmed the camp"

Manuel: "Agents of the destroyers. Bringers of darkness. Heralds of our extinction"

Warren: "We could hear the battle outside. Gunfire. Screams. I thought it would never end. Then, everything went quiet. We just sat there, too afraid to move, until you came along"

Shepard: "Did you notice a Turian in the area?"

Manuel: "I saw him. The prophet. Leader of the enemy. He was here, before the attack"

Kaiden: "That's impossible. Nihlus was with us on the Normandy before the attack. He couldn't've been here"

Warren: "I'm sorry. Manuel's still a bit... unsettled. We haven't seen your Turian. We've been hiding in here since the attack" 

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