Chapter 2

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            “Lovely,” I hear in that Capitol woman’s voice. She’s probably just excited something interesting happened at her district’s reaping. District Twelve hasn’t had a volunteer in… well as long as I’ve been alive there have never been any. But, as my luck would have it, the girl of my dreams would be the one to volunteer.

            I don’t know why I’m surprised. I should have seen this coming as soon as I heard her sister’s name called. Most of my adoration for her stemmed from her devotion to her family.

            It’s okay I thought to myself. She’s a hunter. She’ll get out of this alive. She has to. I’ll help keep her family fed while she’s away. I can do that; surely my father will help.

            “I bet my buttons that was your sister. Don’t want her to steal all the glory, do we? Come on, everybody! Let’s give a big round of applause to our newest tribute!” Effie announces, with an aggravatingly large smile across her face.

            I don’t clap. In fact, nobody claps. Katniss has this affect on people that she doesn’t even realize she has. Nobody wants to see her go, even if she has a chance of winning. Because there is a chance she won’t…

            I see a couple of people kissing their three middle fingers and raising them up towards Katniss. I immediately do the same, because this gesture means saying good-bye to someone you love. As much as I believe in Katniss, this may be my last time seeing her. And she is someone I love.

            Breaking away from the intense moment all of District Twelve is sharing, I see a drunken Haymitch stagger across the stage. “Look at her. Look at this one!” he yells as he lays an arm across Katniss’ shoulders. “I like her! Lots of… Spunk!” he says, taking a while to come up with the word ‘spunk’. “More than you!” he says as he releases Katniss, addressing the audience.  “More than you!” he says again, this time facing and pointing to a camera. Is he really taunting the Capitol right now? No, no that would be too stupid, even for a drunk. He must be addressing the audience, giving them a show. He has to be. Just as he is opening his mouth to continue, he plummets off the stage and knocks himself out.

            I barely notice him though, I am too focused on my last moments seeing Katniss in person. While everyone else is focused on Haymitch, I notice her face fall and a small tear glisten on her cheek. I would give anything to hold her in my arms right now, to tell her everything is going to be okay and comfort her until it’s time for her to leave.

            “What an exciting day!” Effie says as Haymitch is being taken away on a stretcher. Her face is sour as if she believes out of everyone here she is having the worst day. “But more excitement to come!” she says with a smile, masking her self-pitying face. “It’s time to choose our boy tribute!”

            I freeze. I have been so consumed with thoughts of Katniss and her safety in the games I forgot to be nervous about the boys picking. I try to calm myself down. The chances of you being picked are minimal I think to myself. Deep breaths, you won’t be picked I continue to tell myself. In the back of my head I remember Prim being picked. She was only 12 and I know Katniss wouldn’t allow her to get tesserae since Katniss herself could sign up. That means her name would only be in there once, but she was picked.

            Before I get the chance to freak out again, I hear my name. At first I’m confused, who is calling for me, especially right now? Then I realize the accent of the woman who said my name. Effie Trinket. I’ve just become the boy tribute for District Twelve.

            I go back to this morning as I walk towards the stage. This has to be a dream. This can’t be real! I think about the fact that I’m going into the arena with Katniss and then wonder what Gale is thinking. Will he volunteer for me to be with her? As I get up to the 18-year-olds I steal a quick glance at him, but he is looking down. It’s like he is avoiding eye contact with me, probably ashamed he’s wishing for my death right now since he wants Katniss to come home.

            I struggle to hold back my tears as I realize I’m hoping for the same thing. Even though I’m coming with her, I still want her to come home. Her family needs her more than me. She has them and Gale and most of the Seam in District Twelve who need her and her illegal kills. I, on the other hand, have who? My family? They can survive without me. Family ties only go so far, and considering my older brother did not volunteer for me, I know my family’s ties are nowhere near hers. I walk up to the stage with only one thought in my head. I will die. I am going to die, because I will make sure Katniss will survive.

            When I’m on the stage, on the side of Effie opposite Katniss, the mayor starts to read the Treaty of Treason speech, as he does every year. I sneak peaks of Katniss as he recites the speech, and she looks deep in thought. My stomach turns to knots as I realize she could be planning on killing me. Thinking that, I get a pain in my chest that I can only imagine is where the term “heartbreak” came from.

            When the mayor is finished with his speech, he motions for us to shake hands. We face each other and I look straight into her eyes. When we shake hands I lightly squeeze hers, hoping she’ll get my silent, telepathic message. It’s okay! I’ll be making sure you’re the one who makes it out of this alive!

            We turn to face the crowd and the anthem of Panem plays.

                        With one victor, every year,

                        Out of twenty-four prospects.

                        All of Panem wishes to you,

                        May the odds be ever in your favor.

            As I hear the Panem anthem for what seems like the millionth time, this is the first time I find myself thinking, the odds are certainly not in my favor.

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