Chapter Fifty Eight~ H...en...ry

Start from the beginning

"She's not an elf?!" Asta shouted in disbelief.

"Thank goodness!" Magna and Vanessa rejoice with a relieved sigh.

"I put so much effort into that garden, la!" Charmy sniffles as she remembers the time how she took care of those beloved vegetable plants. "I watered it, gave it fertilizer, and put oh-so-much love into it!" she started to blabber,  "I wanted to find a bunch of yummy things and feed them to you guys! So I rushed back even though I was starving, and then..." she bombarded them with complaints and the sound of her growling stomach can be heard. "This is what I find!" 

"That creepy sound was just her tummy rumbling?!" Asta gasped in disbelief. The sound coming from her is similar to the ferocious growls from Yami's magical beast.

"Sauce isn't enough to satisfy my hunger, la!" she shouted, after licking the red sauce from her cheek. "Are you the ones who wrecked my garden?!" she threatens.

" wasn't us..." Vanessa stuttered in fear.

" Wasn't me" The white haired female stated.

"You got the wrong people..." Magna added, earning a scoff from Charmy.

"Who did it, then?!" She grunted as the mana around her intensified.

"Um... I think it was the Eye of the Midnight Sun and some Elves..." Asta stuttered he witnessed the hot steam coming out from Charmy's nose.

"The Eye of The Midnight Sun? Elves?" She muttered with disgust. "I'm gonna go kick their asses! All of you follow me!" she declared as she even lifts her left hand. Her sheep cooks even go along with her as if they are planning to take over the world.

"'m out of magic, so I can't..." Vanessa confesses.

"I also barely have any left..." Magna admitted, bewildered at Charmy's behavior.

"La?! You're out of magic?" Charmy questioned like a delinquent as she shoves her face towards Vanessa.

'She is scary when she is hungry...' Y/N couldn't help but shiver.

"Yes..." The scarlet witch sweatdropped as the cotton magic user summoned her grimoire in front of her. She lifts both of her arms as her grimoire flips to a certain page.

"Cotton Magic: Sheep Cook Head Chef!" she chanted as a sheep with a chef hat and cotton mustache appeared in front of her. It started to quickly cook different varieties of food with the other sheep cooks.

They started to chop and stir fry at extreme speed and the aroma of the delicious foods lingers on their nose. The white haired female started to drool a little.

"All of you! Get to work!" Charmy commanded as she sways her right arm.

"Wait! We don't have time for this!" Asta tried to stop her but the sheep cooks served them fried rice and even force them to sit comfortably.

"We have to hurry to the royal capital!" Magna reminded while two sheep cooks hold him on both of his hands and gesturing their fluffy heads to eat.

"Eat!" Charmy demanded. The white haired female was already scarfing down the food, and humming at the taste.

"Seriously, why?!" Vanessa tried to protest.

"Well, I guess I am a little hungry..." The delinquent mage groans as he takes a spoonful of fried rice. His eyes widen from the exploding delicious flavor on his tongue. He could even feel his magic increasing due to Charmy's food.

"I can feel my magic increasing!" Even Vanessa was shocked.

One by one all of the Black bulls squad members felt their mana slowly replenishing, except for Asta who didn't have any mana to begin with.

"The Head Chef's cooking increases your magic, depending on how much you eat!" Charmy explains as she lifts her index finger with a nod.

"There is it again! This super insane magic!" They all shouted in unison as they started to munch down their food.

"Eat! Eat up! Chow it all down! But make sure you savor the flavor!" Charmy exclaimed with a evil laugh.

"Will this maybe give me magic, too?!" Asta questioned as he continued to chow down the food.

"Zero still means zero! But eat up anyway!" Charmy stated straightforwardly which earns a dejected look from Asta.

Y/N stifled a laugh from the comment as she picked up her third plate of food.

"I'm going to eat away my sorrows!" The ash blond male cried in agony, "You should have some, too, Henry!" he suggested as he walked towards him.

"But...I''s...magic..." Henry tried to explain but Asta shook his head slowly in response.

"It will be fine! We just have to eat more, then!" Asta assured with a smile.

"" Henry for the very first time managed to get closer with his squad members. Despite meeting him today, Magna and the others accepted him as one of their own without having a second thought.

He gazes up into the night sky with a smile on his lips as he continues to eat the delicious food from the cotton magic user. They continue to share some information they know, as they gather enough magic to be able to aid the Clover Kingdom.

They will do whatever it takes to save Gauche and others as well.

"Klaus and Rill turned into elves! And that fat guy from the Golden Dawn, too!" Asta informed as he shoves some spoonful of fried rice in his mouth.

"The captain said he was heading to the Golden Dawn's base!" Vanessa told them.

"I'm sure Mister Yami's fine!" Magna strongly believes.

"I'm so blessed to be able to eat a meal with my bestest friends!" Gordon murmured on his own once again.

" Where's Noelle?" The scarlet witch questioned.

"Noelle is heading to the royal capital with her brother with the bangs, the captain of the Silver Eagles!" Asta answered as he gulped the food on his throat.

"There should be another guy named Zora who's with the Black Bulls apparently..." Y/N added.

"What?! He's a Black Bull?!" The delinquent mage shouted in disbelief.

"This gets really fun!" the cherry berserker exclaimed with his usual laugh.

'These are the Black Bulls I know.... And being among them is extra special.' Henry smiled as he uses his magic to build and reconstruct the Black Bulls base. His grimoire with an image of a house on it can be seen floating in front of him.

"The hell is that?!" Magna gasped in disbelief as his eyes saw how the rubble form into a brick and attached itself together like a puzzle.

"That's the power of our new best friend!" The poison magic user answered proudly.

'Recombination Magic: The Raging Black Bull ~ Charging Style!' Henry chanted on his mind. The Black Bull's base just shifted until turns into an enormous Bull with two legs, two arms, and two horns on the top of its head.

"Whoa! That's awesome!"Asta complimented as loud as he could. He suddenly perks up and cranes his neck towards his friends. " Oh yeah, there is also this guy who claims to be in love with Y/N...Weird right!"

"Ehh?!!!!!!" There is a shocked expression on the Black Bulls squad member's face after they heard the statement of the magicless boy.

"Eh...." Henry was a little bit too late though.

'Damn it, Asta...'


Authors Note: Thank you all for the wait. It been a long time since I have been on my laptop, and was finally able to update. Thank you for the motivated words!! Love Ya'll!! Chapter Fifty Nine coming soon!

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