Death of a parent

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His father noticed this and had urged him to go back to his apartmant for a few days. Win refused to leave him alone saying he wanted to help him but his father convinced him saying that Win's uncle was there for him and seeing Win cry the whole day was not helping him at all.

Win felt Team slowly rub his back as he whispered "Shh.... It's okay Hia, that's it let it out. I'm here don't worry, cry it all out. I'm here" Win couldn't cry this time though, it was as if he had exhausted all the tears in his body.

He felt Team leave his hold on him "get on me Hia" He said spreading his arms, Win jumped onto him without second thought as Team supported his thighs and adjusted his grip. Win reburied his head into Team's neck, he wanted, no needed the physical comfort.

Team led them to the bedroom and placed win down on the bed. He tried to get up to go to the bathroom and set the water but Win didn't let go. "Hia, I'll swich on the geyser and come back" Win shook his head. Team sighed and gave a small okay before leaning against the bedrest, he didn't have to pull Win to hin as the other automatically sat on his lap. The younger man cradled his husband, gently pulling the rubber band out of the messy pony and letting it loose as he gently stroked his hair, tucking a few loose strands behind his ear.

After a good few minutes Team felt Win's breaths even out and his hands fall loose. He was asleep. The man had looked miserable, there was no doubt he was exhausted. As slowly as he could Team layed him down making sure he didn't wake him up accidently, he got out of Win's arms and replaced himself with a bolster.

Team switched in the geyser and went out to the kitchen to prepare food. He left the bedroom door open just in case Win woke up before be returned. An hour and half later he finished making dinner and went back into the room, Win was still sleeping. Team went to use the bathroom and have a bath.

Win woke up, he didn't know when he had fallen asleep, he was so happy Team was back. He felt free around Team knowing that he could cuddle up and stick to his husband for days at end and he won't be irritated even a bit. Win couldn't explain it in words, he knew Dean would be there for him the second he asked but it felt different with Team, it felt better, safer.....righter-

His train of thoughts were cut when he realised it was not Team in his arms, instead he was holding a bolster. Win panicked, no please no had this all been a dream? Had he dreamt his husband coming back? Win let out a scared-desperate whine before he heard the shower turn on.

"TEAM?" He got out of bed moving towards the bathroom door. "Team? Are you in there?"

"Hia, give me one minute" A voice came from the other side. Win calmed down a little, it had not been a dream. Couple of minutes later the bathroom door opened and Team peaked out, water still dripping from his hair. "Hia get in the shower"
Win looked at him skeptically, he didn't want to shower, he wanted to cuddle.

As if hearing his thoughts Team replied "Hia I'm going to wash your hair, no cuddles before that so you decide when you want to come" Win whined, getting up and dragging his feet.

Pulling Win in team got ready with the bucket of water and the stool in the shower as win undressed down to his underwear. Team washed his hair and gave him a bath while Win leaned back against him.

After the bath they both slipped into comfortable clothes. Win had very little appetite, Team didn't nudge him to eat more, he didn't want to force him, he was happy as long as Win ate at least. Suddenly Win's phone rang, when Win didn't pick up Team took it to see the caller, the number was not saved.

"Who is it?" He asked Win

"Probably another person calling to remind me of what happened. I dont want to pick up..." Team felt his anger rise when he heard Wins voice and saw tears rimming his eyes again, he cupped the others cheek with one hand and put the phone to his ear to understand what he meant.

And he did. It was a far off relative calling to say they were sorry for his loss. The person seemed to not have met Win because when Team faked being Win the man bought it. He said he needed to go after a minute and ended the call as soon as possible. "Do you want me to answer them from now on?" Win gave him a nod.

After dinner Team carried him back to bed. He pulled the covers over them, holding his husband close and gently stroking his hair as the other cried silent tears. Team had managed to distract Win enough but the call had bought him crashing down again and it was okay. Win clutched onto the back of Team's shirt as warm tears soaked the front.
Under the bed their legs were tangled up comfortably.

Team gave Win rythmic back pats, lulling the other into a dreamless sleep. Slowly Wins breathing evened. Just before the he fell into the welcoming darkness Win felt Team kiss his head multiple times "Sweet dreams na Hia" His voice was barely a whisper but Win heard it. He managed to nuzzle Team once more before giving in to exhaustion and falling asleep.


The next morning Team woke up first. His right arm had gone numb but he couldn't get himself to move either. Win had his head hidden in the crook of his neck breathing softly, one arm and leg over Team. Judging from the circles under his eyes this was the best sleep Win had gotten in nights and Team couldn't bring himself to move. He had asked his boss for a holiday already so he closed his eyes again.

We'll go through this together hia. I won't let you face this alone.

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