I mouth quietly "At my desk?"

Matthew grins and waves with his own book. He casually stretches and scratches the back of his neck, before rolling oh so randomly in my direction. I move my books to the edge of my desk and await Matthew with secret hand gestures and a finger on my lips.

"Do not speak loudly," I whisper as soon as Matthew rests his elbows on our desk, "Act like you're playing a game on your phone."

"What?" Matthew laughs and starts Candy Crush, "What's up with you, why are you acting like this?"

I place my science book on the desk and casually thumb through the pages until I reach the relevant ones. Then I pull my notes closer, scattering them all over the desk, while I act like I'm watching Matthew play Candy Crush over his shoulder.

"I just don't want it to be too obvious," I explain quietly, "You know, drawing unnecessary attention to our secret project."

"Our science presentation," Matthew says.

"Indeed," I nod, "The time I spent with the council members so far led me to the conclusion they're rather – nosy."

Matthew chuckles and pinches my nose, "Are you worried they'll steal all the brilliant conclusions in our presentation and use them themselves?"

"I'm worried they'll want us to show the presentation to all of them," I say, "As much as I love presentations – doing one twice? No thank you."

Matthew watches me curiously and slowly puts down his phone.

"Say, could it be you're afraid of –"

"What are you talking about?" Logan asks loudly.

I almost jump out of my seat at his sudden appearance. Matthew drops my science book on the floor.

"Jesus Logan, what's with the creeping?" Matthew curses and goes to pick up the book.

"What?" Logan shrugs coolly, "I was just wondering what you're talking about."

"None of your business," I hiss the same time as Matthew says, "We're just talking about our science presentation."

Logan narrows his eyes. "Science presentation ...?"

Well, okay then.

"Yes, science presentation," I cross my arms defensively, "Matthew and I are partners, remember? An since I love presentations so much we practice all the time, here or back at his place ..."

Logan knows I hate presentations, but that's not the only reason he glares at Matthew like he positively wants to kill him.

"You're going to his place to practice your science presentation?" he repeats slowly, "Seriously now? Do you really think I'm that dumb?"

I'm not sure if he wants an honest answer to that, so I simply raise an eyebrow. Logan looks like he's close to imploding. Matthew laughs and scratches his neck.

"Hey, what's the problem –"


Vivian appears at Logan's side, smiling all sugary sweet and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Logan, I need to talk to you," Vivian says and her smile goes all tight-lipped, "Can you come back to our table?"

Logan doesn't react in any way, but continues staring us down, so Vivian simply grabs the backrest of his chair and pushes him in the opposite direction.

"Didn't we talk about this, Logan?" Vivian hisses and it's like she's scolding her child, "Is it seriously that hard for you to be chill for once?"

"But," Logan protests and I see him taking her hand, "I was just –"

Vivian taps her foot impatiently, and I'm all curious for possible drama, but the next second they're making out nevertheless. I quickly retreat my eyes.

"Why was he so mad?" Matthew asks me innocently and goes to scan through the lines I underlined in my book, "I mean, it's not like we're doing this presentation about something, I don't know – scandalous."

I roll my eyes. "Don't mind him."

Matthew hums and reaches out to play with my hair. I'm wearing it down today, and it's already annoying me to no ends, but Matthew seems to like it. He curls a strand around his finger, and tugs on it.

"Are you really ready for the presentation?" he asks me.

I chew on my lower lip, "To be honest – absolutely not."

"It'll be over before you realize it," Matthew says goodheartedly and pulls on another strand of my hair, "You're always so cool, it's not like this lame presentation is going to be a problem for you, right?"

I press my lips together and stare down at my books, until the lines start blurring in front of my face.

Matthew's quiet for a few seconds, then rubs his nape awkwardly. "Wrong?"

"Wrong," I say and sigh, "Presentations are awful."

Matthew doesn't say anything to that, but curls another strand around his finger. He plays with my hair, until my breathing calms down again and my vision clears. I take a deep breath and start to quietly revise the lines of my part. It feels nice.

Later that night, I'm all nervous again.

I even end up calling Matthew and ask him if he's sure all of my lines are correct. Matthew sounds surprised, if a little tired, but doesn't hang up on me. Instead, he chuckles and assures me that yes, he revised all of it, and there's no need to worry. The presentation will be great.

Then, he tells me about his day, how Leonard came home with both his ears pierced twice, ready for the beating of his life, but his mum was all excited and wondered why he didn't tell them he wanted to get his ears pierced sooner, since they could have all gone together. Leonard's sulking in his room ever since. His mum also asked when I'll drop by next, and Matthew says it's not a big deal if I don't want to, but I promise I will soon. We chat about the fact Mr. Callahan's balding is pretty obvious by now, and how he seems to get more obnoxious every day. We continue chatting about the club meeting, and Matthew asks about Logan again.

"Sorry if I'm dumb, but did Logan really think science presentation is a code word for – sex?"

"I have no idea, seriously. Just ignore him."

There's pause, and Matthew yawns.

"You know, I think we should sleep," he says and yawns again, "It's late, we need to be well rested for tomorrow."

I smile. "Good night, Matthew."

There's a pause, and Matthew clears his throat loudly. "Good night, June. Seep well."

I'm still smiling when I hang up. I smile for two glorious minutes. Then, I throw my phone away and start worrying all over again. 

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