Melodious Escape ~ 5

Start from the beginning

"Ragnor you had- Alexander? Are you not happy?" Magnus asked and he slowly lifted his gaze off the ground. Everyone turned towards him too, eyes filled with confusion. "Wait, have you still not told your family about it?"

"No, I... I couldn't. I'm... scared of their reactions. Will this be on air?"

"It won't be live but you know how everything goes on YouTube nowadays. And we have a big name kid. You know it already." Ragnor sighed. "You need to tell your family, this can't go like this forever."

"I know," Alec said and exhaled a long breath. "Um, I don't have the courage or confidence to tell them. If I will, I'd have to tell them why I started playing and.... that's something... which lead to a lot of conflict in our house. And I'm not ready for that. If... if they see the video, I'll just face it but... I can't tell them from upfront."

"Are you sure, Alec?" Tessa asked.

"I don't have any other choice. I really want to be a part of this, it's like a dream come true for me."

"Alright then, as you wish darling." Magnus said, "Ragnor, give us the list, we'll start reher-"


Came a voice from the entrance making all of them turn towards it.

"Jem!? Will!? What are you two doing here?" Tessa rushed by her husbands' side.

"Alec's here? We need to talk to him." Will said, panting heavily.

"Yes, but what happened?"

"Will, Jem? Do.. do I need to be at the firm? I'll come-"

"No, you don't. Not any longer." Jem said in a sad tone, his dark eyes fixed on him and Alec felt like there wasn't any ground beneath his feet.

"Wh.. what do you mean? Why do you sound like that?"

"We're really sorry, Alec. We love your work.... but..." Will said, exchanging a look with Jem then turned towards Alec with an apologetic expression. "We have to fire you."

"What!?" Others exclaimed in unison, exchanging confused looks while Alec stood shell shocked, trying to process what he had just heard. Fired? For what?

"H.. have I made any mistake Will?" Alec asked as tears brimmed in his eyes. "Am I not giving enough time? I'll... I'll cut my time here-"

"Alec calm down, there's nothing as such," Jem said in a reassuring tone. "We don't want to fire you, we've tried to come up with different alternatives, but couldn't find any. If you all could help, maybe this could be avoided but..." He trailed off.

"What's going on Jem?" Tessa's worried gaze danced between her husbands. "You two couldn't stop complimenting him so what happened?"

"We got a... threatening call... asking to fire him or our company would pay the price," Will said and rubbed his face. "We're really sorry, Alec."

"Wait, what? Jem, Will, you know there are a lot of rivals of your company, you can't-"

"That's not it, Magnus. We don't budge with this kind of threat. We've dealt with a lot of threats before and that's how we responded but then," taking out his cell, Jem opened something but his hands shook and a few teardrop fell on his face.

"Jem?" Maia said in a worried tone. "What is it?"

"Tess... it's... it's your...." He trailed off, turned, and buried his head in Will's chest who had tears falling down his face as well.

"It's your... images... from last night's shower," Will said in a shaky voice, unable to look in Tessa's eyes. Tessa's face paled as she snatched the phone and scrolled through the text on the screen.

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