Melodious Escape ~ 4

Start from the beginning

"Burgundy red and swamp green, close to opaque couché." He said, and Magnus visibly shivered.

"The actual fuck!? How does your sister agree to ruin the beauty of her gym?"

"She made a private space, away from public eyes that's why she called me and our brothers too, to help her move stuff."

"Can you two designers please talk in English!?" Ragnor asked, "What colors again?"

"Ragnor my friend," Magnus sighed, "imagine the ugliest shade of green you love paired with the color I wore at Cat's birthday."

"Holy lord! How can someone like that combination!?"

"Exactly! Who the fuck made him a designer!?" Magnus said through gritted teeth.

Rubbing his temples, Ragnor turned towards Alec. "Boy, I get the reasons you left abruptly, from both the studios but this can't go like this. You need to be available at any hour. Not just for here but for Jem's firm as well. You work for us. We're friendly but that doesn't mean you'd take that for granted."

"I'm really sorry. This won't happen again. I promise." He reassured, hoping that it won't affect the jobs that he finally got after so long.

"Then this would be your first and last chance," Ragnor stated firmly. "If you want this opportunity then be serious about it."

"Understood." He nodded. "Oh and, umm, Magnus," taking out the paper he tore from the journal, he walked towards Magnus and handed it to him. "I found this in Andrew's gym locker."

"Woah! Is this from his diary or something? Any secrets in there? This would be fun!" Maia said with a grin.

"Actually, no. I recognized this as your handwriting, Magnus, that's why I brought it to you."

"My handwriting!?" Frowning, he analyzed the note and by the end, a gasp left his mouth. "This is from my journal I used to sketch in. What the fuck!?"

"What are you saying!?" Clary said.

"This is mine. I thought I lost this last year. What the fuck is it doing with that bastard!?"

"You said he had stolen your designs before," Alec said with a heavy heart, still not able to process what he witnessed at the studio. "I found this too." Digging out a small piece of paper that he found stuck at one of the trolleys while he was sneaking out, he handed it to Magnus again. "I don't know if it's yours or not. These were in his locker."

"It's from my sketchbook. It's mine. It's... Tessa, you remember you gifted me a handmade paper sketchbook, it's that one. I thought I lost it years ago. That's my sketch right here. What the hell!?"

"So that douchebag is still stealing your designs!? That guy's fucked up!" Maia said with disgust in her voice.

"I thought his recent collection seemed familiar. Now I realize why. I sketched those. All the journals and sketchbooks I lost in these ten years, it seemed odd but I never bothered to care. Andrew was stealing those, right from my house. All these years, he was thriving on my ideas. That motherfucking son of a bitch! I'm gonna-"

"Calm down, Magnus." Tessa walked forward and rubbed his back, "Deep breaths and relax. You're a singer, not a designer, you can't do anything about it. Even if you prove that these are yours, Andrew would come up with something to prove you wrong. He has done this before, remember? That bastard will only ruin your reputation and career. Let him do whatever he does, karma is a bitch. It'll get back him one day."

"And when will that day come Tessa? I'm sick and tired of this stupid rivalry and his fucked up psychopathic mind! The fuck does he think of himself!?"

"Magnus, calm down, please," Clary said. "Tessa is right. He'll pay for his actions. You stop boiling your blood for no reason. These pages are proof that he's a jealous bastard with no talent and you should be happy about that. He won't last long in the industry with this."

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