Chapter 24

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For the next few days, Akemi felt better than she had for a long time. School wasn't overwhelming, she knew what was going on with Saiki and felt a lot more comfortable around him now, and she was slowly getting closer to fully accepting her mother's death. The only thing that had upset her a bit was having to lie to Ren about the situation with Saiki. Though, he seemed eager to drop it when she had slowly started to forget about the whole thing.

Other than that, Akemi had a good week, especially on the day that her and Saiki went to the dessert shop so she could question him more on his powers. It hadn't been the same integration as it has been when she first found out he was a psychic, she just wanted to know more about his powers and the kind of things that had happened to him because of them. For one of the first times, Akemi had actually enjoyed Saiki's company, and it wasn't just because Saiki bought her chocolate cake.

Soon, a week went by and it was February.

"Hey, Kumiko!" Teruhashi appeared at Akemi's side as they made their way toward the school gates.

"Hey, Teruhashi," Akemi replied simply.

A bit of silence followed until Teruhashi said, "You know, we've been friends for a while now, why don't you just call me Kokomi?"


"Yeah, I mean, we hang out all the time, there's no need to be even a little formal," Teruhashi explained with a smile.

"Ok, sure," Akemi muttered, slightly confused. She supposed she did really think of Teruhashi as a friend. They've known each other for months now and despite all of her annoying antics and bad first impression, Akemi did eventually start to enjoy her company without even realizing it.

"So," Teruhashi started, as they walked through the school's gates, "Valentine's day is coming up."

"Oh yeah."

"What, are you not excited?" Teruhashi questioned. "You're sure to have at least someone confess to you."

"I don't know. I don't really care," Akemi replied with a shrug. "I don't get why you like it so much, aren't boys just going to be flocking around you all day? Isn't that annoying?"

Teruhashi laughed as if she was hiding her real feelings, "What are you talking about, I don't mind."

"Sure," Akemi mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Do you have anyone you like?" Teruhashi asked as they walked into the school and stood by the lockers.

Akemi opened her mouth to say no, but then someone popped into her mind and she felt her cheeks heat up, "Well, I don't know. Maybe..."

"Really?" Teruhashi exclaimed with a gasp. "Who?"

"I don't know," Akemi muttered, shifting a little.

"How do you not know?" Teruhashi questioned, earning a shrug from Akemi. "Do you just not want to tell me? Wait, is it Ren?"

"What? No. Ren's just a friend, I could never date him. I'm not trying to be mean, but we're just friends. Just because he's a guy and we get along doesn't mean we have to like each other." Akemi replied. Besides, I don't think he's really into girls.

"Oh, sorry. You guys just seem really close." Teruhashi said, lightly shaking her head. "So then who is it?"

"Well, what about you?" Akemi said, ignoring the question. "Do you like anyone?"

Teruhashi's face went visibly red, "What? No! Of course not! I don't like anyone! Not- not at all!"

"Ok, I get it, you don't have to be defensive about it," Akemi replied, not buying what she was saying at all.

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