Chapter 17

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The next month had been miserable for Akemi. She had to deal with the repercussions of her sudden panic attack and everyone questioning her as to why she took a few days off school after the whole event.

Akemi wasn't really sure what had happened. She suddenly had a panic attack and then a nightmare and couldn't sleep for a few days. Her mental health had taken a sudden turn for the worse just when she thought things were getting better. And Akemi had no explanation for it. She thought it might've been because she held in feelings, or maybe because she's always been on the verge of breaking since she moved. She wasn't sure.

But coming back to school after those few days had been terrible.

All of her friends had cornered her and kept questioning her about what had happened. She couldn't answer any of their questions and had almost taken a few more days off because of them. Akemi had even stopped talking to Ren. She just closed herself off from everyone.

But either way, now she had something else to focus on. Christmas was coming soon.

Akemi wasn't sure how she was going to handle her first Christmas without her mother, especially since she already wasn't in a great place. Christmas was supposed to be fun and enjoyable, yet Akemi was sure she wasn't going to have a good time.

"You know," Taiyo spoke up suddenly, snapping Akemi out of her thoughts. She was sitting on the couch with him just watching tv. Taiyo had seemed to be a bit tense and overly concerned about Akemi over the last month. That had been his new focus, helping Akemi. And she sort of hated it. "You're garden is holding up pretty well for it being winter."

Akemi's attention snapped up and she looked from her father to where her garden was behind the glass doors. It had been growing really well until winter hit and even then, her dad was right. It still looked really pretty. "Just like Mom's..."

"Yeah..." Taiyo's voice sounded distant and for a moment, the room filled with a tense silence. Then Taiyo took in a deep breath, "We need to face this."


Taiyo hesitated and Akemi already knew what he was talking about, "That this is our first Christmas and New Year without Hanaka. And that you haven't been doing good."

Akemi shifted in her seat and her gaze fell to the floor, "How are we going to do that?"

"I... realized something recently..." Taiyo started hesitantly. "After everything that's been happening with you, I realized that we've... I've... been running from the fact that Hanaka's... gone... And that's had negative effects on you and me. I wake up every morning and try to do my best to occupy myself and keep my mind off... what we lost... But I'm just now realizing how bad that's been."

"Took you long enough," Akemi muttered dryly.

Taiyo tensed and took a deep breath, "I think we should go to Hanaka's grave on Christmas eve."


"We haven't been there since the funeral... And maybe going will help us." Taiyo explained quietly.

Akemi could tell how unsure he was about this idea and wasn't on board, "You thought moving here would help us."

"It did," Taiyo said.

"You're joking, right?" Akemi questioned, glaring at her dad. "You think we're doing better here? Have you not seen me at all this month? I can't do anything without suddenly wanting to cry!"

Taiyo went silent as Akemi swallowed hard and took in a few shaky breaths. After a minute, he said, "But you've made friends at school and you haven't locked yourself in your room the same way you did before."

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