Chapter 16

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"Kumiko. Kumiko! Wake up!" Teruhashi yelled at her unconscious friend.

After Hario had announced that they had won the award. Akemi's eyes had suddenly filled with panic and she had started hyperventilating before passing out. Saiki had caught her before she had hit the floor and was not sitting on the floor with her in his arms.

"Stop yelling," Kuboyasu growled.

"We have to take her to the nurse," Hario said, his voice filled with urgency.

"What happened?" Nendo questioned, not able to process what was going on like normal. "Are we all just taking naps now?"

"No, you idiot!" Kaido shouted at Nendo, "Kumiko just passed out!"

Saiki stood up as Nendo started to argue with Kaido. He could hear all of his classmate's worried thoughts and spoke up, "I'm taking her to the nurses' office."

"We'll go-"

"No, it's better if we don't crowd the room," Saiki interrupted before he started walking down the hall. He did his best to block out all the noisy thoughts as he quickly made his way to the nurses' office. He would've taken her somewhere else to deal with it on his own, but since he didn't really know what caused Akemi to pass out, he couldn't do that. Normally, he'd try to avoid the nurses' office, but since it was for Akemi and not him, he didn't care.

"Hello, what do you... Oh my, what happened?" the nurse questioned when Saiki walked into the room.

He set Akemi on the bed in the room before addressing the nurse, "She just passed out."

The nurse frowned, "What happened before she passed out?"

"She looked really panicked and started hyperventilating."

"Oh..." the nurse looked over at Akemi. She must've had a panic attack or something like that. The nurse thought before looking back at Saiki, "What happened right before she started looking panicked?"

"Hario told us our class won the class award," Saiki explained.

"Did all the attention turn to her?"


"Does she have a tendency to avoid attention or get really nervous when all the attention is on her?"

"Not really."

The nurse's frown deepened, "It seems to me that she had a panic attack. Though, based on what you told me, I have no clue what caused it."

Saiki narrowed his eyes at Akemi's unconscious form. A panic attack? Does this have to do with why she would disappear into the bathroom a lot during the first few weeks of school?

"Well, there's not much I can do until she wakes up. But either way, I'm sure she'll be fine." The nurse said, earning a small nod from Saiki. The room went silent for a minute before the nurse asked, "Are you going to stay till she wakes up or..."

"I'll stay."

"Ok..." the nurse muttered before Saiki heard her think, He must be her boyfriend or something if he wants to wait for her and miss out on the festival.

Not her boyfriend just would rather figure out what happened to her than deal with the festival. Saiki thought. Though, something about thinking that seemed wrong, even though it was just in his thoughts. Like he was downplaying how he felt slightly embarrassed by the nurse's statement.

Saiki ignored it and sat down in the seat that was next to the bed. He waited there for around 15 minutes before Akemi shifted in the bed and started breathing heavily. The nurse shifted her attention back on Akemi and rolled her swivel chair next to the bed.

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