Chapter 14

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Akemi watched as Saiki sat on the bench, doing everything to avoid having to participate in the volleyball match the gym class was having. The one time he had been switched in a minute ago he had both completely failed to serve and nearly blew a hole in the wall with the volleyball. It was really strange how his strength suddenly increased a ton. But Saiki didn't seem to be happy with this shift of strength. It had made Akemi think back to all the strange things that had happened in Okinawa two weeks ago.

Recently, the incident with Toritsuka had briefly left her mind, she had been busy with other things. But Saiki's sudden strength increased, the memories of all the strange things from the Okinawa trip came back. Even after two weeks, when she recalled the memories they all still seemed strange and Akemi couldn't think of an explanation for any of them.

Now, there was another strange occurrence centered around Saiki, and Akemi still had no explanation for anything.

"I didn't realize you were so strong. Why did you hold back the first time?" Akemi questioned, as she sat down next to Saiki.

He narrowed his eyes at her and didn't respond. Then he turned and looked back at where the rest of their classmates were still playing volleyball. His reaction only made Akemi more suspicious.

"Can you not control your strength or something?" Akemi asked. That made Saiki flinch and tense up. He glared at her and she frowned, "How can you not control your strength? Especially when it's something like that... You'd have to be some sort of superhuman or something..."

Saiki seemed to be thinking over what he should say. Though, instead of saying anything, he just shrugged, giving Akemi nothing. She let out a sigh and turned her attention to the volleyball game just in time to see Hario spike the ball and score on the other team.

"You know, a lot of weird things seem to happen to you. Or around you." Akemi suddenly started, regaining Saiki's attention. Akemi wanted to see if she could get anything out of him. She had a strange feeling that he had something to do with the Toritsuka incident. She didn't know why or how, but she had a feeling. "Especially all the stuff in Okinawa..."

"Do you mean what you said happened with Toritsuka?" Saiki asked, acting clueless.

"Kind of? I mean, you weren't really involved in that, it was just weird. But when that typhoon disappeared and the plane had its weird turbulence... I don't know maybe I shouldn't have brought it up." Akemi said, stopping herself. She suddenly felt like she should've never said anything. She was basically accusing him of coincidences he probably didn't even know about.

Saiki went silent and during the rest of gym class, they sat there in silence on the bench. Akemi refused to get up and play volleyball and Saiki did the same. It was a bit awkward, but Akemi just ignored the fact that Saiki was sitting next to her altogether and that made it better.

When the class finally ended, Akemi was immediately approached by Teruhashi, "Hey, Kumiko, are you busy again today?"

"Well..." Akemi started hesitantly. She didn't have plans to go to the flower shop like she normally did, but she also didn't want to get dragged along to one of Teruhashi's outings.

"Come on, Kumiko," Yumehara whinned, coming up behind Teruhashi. "You're always busy, why can't you hang out with us for once?"

Akemi sighed, "If you tell me who's going and where I'll consider it."

"We're going to a dessert shop with me and Chiyo and the guys," Teruhashi answered, her glow seeming to brighten.

"Who's 'the guys'?" Akemi questioned, though she kind of knew the answer, "Is it Saiki, Kaido, and Nendo?"

Violet Roses | Saiki KHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin