Beach House - Bonus

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When Jay's mind wandered farther than he wished to, he sometimes ended up thinking about how cheesy he could sometimes be.

He thought his proposal would be the cheesiest thing he'd ever do, comparing the ring to a puzzle piece and asking Jungwon to look for it for him. Yet, somehow he found himself in an even cheesier situation now.

And it wasn't his fault.

Well, not entirely his fault?

Okay, it was his fault.

It all started when Jungwon and him started planning their wedding. They didn't want anything big nor too ceremonial. A cute and small wedding sounded more like them.
They'd invite their close family, and their group of friends to the actual wedding, then they'd eat together and party.

"Do you want a specific wedding theme?" asked Jungwon, looking through his phone for inspiration.
"Good question" replied the latter, on his laptop. "Anything but naked wedding."

They both laughed.

"I did not have that in mind" replied Jungwon chuckling.
"What did you have in mind then?" asked Jay, curious.

"It's not much of a theme, but I thought we could maybe rent a house beach to spent the weekend? We could have the wedding on the beach" suggested Jungwon.

"I love this idea" replied Jay softly.

Jungwon leaned in and kissed Jay's cheek.


"Do you really need to get a new one?" asked Sunoo, surprised.
"I don't have to" replied Jay, raising his eyes at him. "But it'd be a super sweet attention."
"Alright" replied Sunoo.

The both of them were out shopping for Jungwon's actual wedding ring. The couple had said they would keep the engagement rings as the wedding's ones, but Jay wanted to surprise Jungwon.

"What about this one?" asked Sunoo, looking at the jewelry showcase.

Jay walked to him, his eyes following Sunoo's finger.
The rings were all beautiful. Jay knew Jungwon would prefer something simple. First, he liked more casual accessories, then, it was more convenient for his work.

"I like the one with the lines on it" said Jay.
"It's gorgeous" confirmed Sunoo.

They asked the salesman to see it closer and Jay definitely liked it. It was a white gold ring, with one horizontal line all around it, and seven vertical ones.

"Plus it is wide enough for what I have planned" mumbled Jay.
"Oh right, and what have you planned again?" asked Sunoo, for the hundredth time.
"I'm not saying, it's a surprise" replied Jay, taking his wallet out of his bag.

"Come on, I won't tell Jungwon" said Sunoo, pouting.
"Maybe, but you'll tell everyone else and somehow Jungwon will end up knowing" stated Jay confidently.

Sunoo didn't protest more, he knew Jay was right.


Jay was feeling so overwhelmed. His mother was on his left side, his father on the right. The three of them walked down the aisle. At the end, Jay's parents hugged him before turning back and reaching their seats.

A few seconds later, Jungwon and his own parents walked down the aisle. As Jay's eyes beheld the most beautiful person in his whole world, his heart rushed incredibly fast.

Jungwon looked amazing in his light suit, barefoot on the sand, fabric elegantly moving due to the light breeze. His smile was so bright and his dimple so adorable. He quickly looked at their friends in the sides of the aisle and smiled at them, before locking eyes with Jay and forgetting everything around them.

He couldn't wait to be with Jay forever. It sounded silly, but he didn't care. Jay was his lifeline, and he didn't want to spend a day without him.

Jungwon finally hugged his parents and turned himself to face Jay.

Years of love had lead them to this moment.

From a simple encounter because Jay had questions, to an amazing relationship growth after he had woken up from his coma, their story was beautiful.

The minister started talking, and even though Jay wanted to listen to what he was saying, he somehow couldn't.
His brain was too focused on Jungwon.
Too focused on Jungwon's hands in his.
Too focused on Jungwon's illegal dimple.
Too focused on Jungwon's mesmerizing eyes.

Thankfully for him, Jungwon spoke first.

"Jayjay" he said, with the softest tone. "I've always wanted to help people. This is why I became a nurse. However, I never could have imagined that I would have the honor and opportunity to help and take care of someone like you. I spent so many hospital visits talking to you, even though you couldn't answer me. I slowly saw myself falling for you, wondering if someday you would fall for me as well."

Jay's eyes were getting wet from emotion.

"I couldn't be more grateful than I am here and now, marrying you. I promise to love, to help and to take care of you every single day of our life together" he said, trying really hard to keep his voice calm as he passed the ring on Jay's finger.

"Wonie" said Jay, lost in his soulmate's eyes. "There is literally nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you. Not only did you accept me as I am, but you also helped me become the man I am proud to be today. You shared so much of you with me, your friends, your home, your heart. You were the answer to every single question I have ever had in my life. You are my best friend, my soulmate, my missing piece I looked for my whole life. I love you."

Jay passed the ring on Jungwon's finger, and soon they kissed, as an officially married couple.


After the meal, the dances, the champagne, the speeches, and the laughs, Jay had invited Jungwon for a quiet walk on the beach, just the two of them.

"We won't be too long" promised Jay, as if Jungwon needed convincing.

They walked, leaving two trail of footsteps behind them. They could hear the ocean and see the stars shining bright in the night sky.

Jay intertwined his fingers with Jungwon's.

"So... new rings huh?" asked Jungwon.
"I wanted to surprise you" said Jay, blushing a bit.
"You didn't need to" he said. "But thank you, I love it."

Jay smiled, he couldn't be happier.
That's what he thought.

"Actually there's two more surprises" he added, smiling at his husband.
"Jay.." started Jungwon, a bit embarrassed.

"Take your ring off" asked Jay, as he did the same.

The moonlight was bright, hut unfortunately not enough for them to see clearly. Jay took his phone out and activated the flashlight, before pointing it at the rings.

Inside them were engraved a puzzle piece.

"Oh Jay" said Jungwon, as tears filled his eyes.

He couldn't say anything else, he just hugged Jay as tightly as he could.

"Thank you for completing me" he said, letting his tears roll down.
"I love you" said Jay, hugging him back.

They stayed like that for a long time, still processing the beginning of their new life.

"I wish we could stay here forever" whispered Jungwon.
"That's good" answered Jay. "Because I rented the house for just the two of us for the following week."

A wave came higher on the sand, reaching their feet as they kissed under the moonlight.

The Real End

Once again, thank you for all the support, and thank you JayWonnieeefor the request, I hope I made it into a good story❤️✨

The Psychiatrist- Jaywon FFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin