Bus ride

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Jay woke up for the first time in a while in his own bed. He opened his eyes, unsure of where he was at first. Hopefully, a quick glance around the room reassured him. He recognized his furniture, his closet, his window.

I need to get used to it again.

Jungwon had told him a few days before that even though Jay was awake now, he needed to give himself time to feel comfortable again. He shouldn't feel bad if everything wasn't automatically restored.
"Be gentle, and allow yourself the time you need" had said Jungwon.

Jay sighed.

How long will it take though?

He didn't have much time to think -or overthink- about that thankfully. His phone rang, letting him know he had received a message.

Instantly, his doubts and fears were forgotten. A smile on his lips, the young man opened up the chat.

How are you?

I just woke up

You're late for your meds then
I didn't mean to be the nurse
Force of habit

It's okay, don't worry!

Jay stopped to read the last messages again. Did Jungwon really write to make sure he had taken his medication?

I actually texted you because I'm going out with friends tonight
Would you like to join us?

Jay hesitated for a second. Old Jay would have refused. He wasn't at ease meeting new people like that. However, he did think it was very sweet of Jungwon to invite him.
Jay had shared with him that he didn't have any friends.

I'll be happy to!
Where are we going?

We still haven't decided between bowling or karaoke

Both are great options
Should we eat before?



Let's meet around 18:30 then


Jay looked up, not believing it.
He would be meeting Jungwon tonight!!


The rest of the day passed extremely slowly for Jay. Once he had chosen what outfit he would be wearing for the evening, he had nothing left to do.
Thankfully it was a sunny day, so Jay decided to go take a walk after having lunch.

He lived in a suburban neighborhood not far from Seoul, which meant it was somehow quiet during the day. Jay soon found himself taking the same old path he used to before his coma.

However, after thirty minutes, Jay felt extremely tired. As if he had ran for hours.

Come on... I can't even walk for thirty minutes? Please.

"Allow yourself the time you need" he heard in Jungwon's voice.

Jay sighed. Jungwon was right.
He spotted a bench nearby and forced himself to walk up to it. He needed to rest.


This walk had tired him, but it was nothing a good nap couldn't restore. Jay woke up in time to take a shower and get ready for his night out. His parents were not home yet, but they seemed very happy when Jay had said he was going out with friends.

It was the first time he said something like that.

Jay walked out of the house thrilled. He had seen Jungwon the day before, but it was to say goodbye. Tonight, they would be seeing each other outside of the hospital for the first time.

Plus I'm not his patient anymore.

Jay hid a chuckle, thinking about how Jungwon had talked about his medicine this morning.


The bus that would take him to the city arrived a bit late, which stressed Jay a little. Hopefully it was almost empty. The bus passed through several stops without stopping, as no one seemed to be waiting to come inside either.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Jay arrived in the heart of Seoul. As soon as he stepped out of the bus, he saw Jungwon waving at him.

His heart flinched, mostly because Jungwon looked extremely cute with his large jeans and orange sweater, a little because of his dimple.

It somehow surprised Jay that Jungwon was alone.

His friends will probably join us at the restaurant.

"Hey" instantly said Jay, as he reached Jungwon.
"Hey!" replied Jungwon, before quickly hugging Jay.

The latter didn't even have time to process what had was happening before Jungwon ended the hug.

"How do you feel about sushi?" asked Jungwon. "I know a good place."
"Perfect" replied Jay. "I hadn't thought about how much I missed Japanese food before you just mentioned it!"
"I know right!" said Jungwon laughing.

They started walking down the street. They didn't talk much, they simply enjoyed the moment.

"There it is" said Jungwon, pointing at a cute little restaurant.

Jay nodded and held the door for Jungwon.
As soon as they entered, a waiter welcomed them in Japanese. He then proceeded to ask how many people would be eating.

"Just the two of us" replied Jungwon in a beautiful smile.
"Aren't your friends joining us?" asked Jay, perplexed.

Jungwon turned back in order to look into Jay's eyes.

"I thought we could enjoy this moment just the two of us" he explained. "Is that okay?"

The Psychiatrist- Jaywon FFWhere stories live. Discover now