Puzzle Piece

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"Hurry up Jungwon" said Heeseung.

Who would have thought that one day Heeseung would be ready before me?

"I can't find my jacket" said Jungwon, looking through his clothes one more time.
"You mean the one you're wearing right now?" asked Sunoo.

Jungwon looked down, Sunoo was right.

"I haven't seen you this stressed for a while now" added Heeseung.
"It's an important day" said Jungwon. "Of course I'm stressed."

"If you have everything we should be going then" replied Sunoo.

The two other nodded. They would be going to the ceremony in two cars. Jake, Sunghoon and Niki were already inside their car.

Jungwon couldn't believe this day had finally arrived, after all the struggles, the doubts, the efforts.

They walk to Heeseung's car pretty fast. They were afraid that there would be traffic jam until the university, but thankfully the streets were quite empty.

"We're almost there" announced Heeseung. "If anyone sees an empty parking spot, scream."

Sunoo nodded, he was born for this kind of missions.
They all stared at the sides of the road, trying to find a place to park the car.

"Everything is taken" mumbled Jungwon, sensing his stress level going up once more.
"What about the underground parking of the university?" asked Sunoo. 
"Genius" commented Heeseung.

He activated his turn signal and soon enough they had reached the entrance of the parking.

As expected, there were many cars, but they managed to find a place for theirs.

"Remember" said Heeseung, as he stopped the engine.
"Don't slam the door" said Sunoo, in a funny voice.
"We know, we know" added Jungwon.

Heeseung raised his eyes. He couldn't wait for the day when they would have their own cars to see if they would mind people slamming doors for no good reason.

"Don't forget this" said Sunoo, giving Jungwon the special gift he had bought earlier this afternoon.
"Oh, right" said the latter, taking it.

"Let's go" added Heeseung as he locked the car.


They found the three others in the university main hall.
"We haven't been here for a while, huh?" asked Niki, passing his arm on Sunoo's shoulders.
"True" confirmed Sunghoon.
"Somehow it feels good to be back" added Jake.

"It only feels good because it's not for studying" replied Sunoo, laughing.

"Should we go sit?" asked Jungwon, not at all focused on them.

"Jungwon is very stressed" whispered Sunoo to the group.
"Shocking" whispered Niki back.

"I'm going" announced Jungwon.

The group smiled. Jungwon was being very cute.
They followed the mass of people into the huge conference room. The six friends managed to find good seats, quite close to the stage.

"Jungwon, please" whispered Sunoo.
"What is it?" asked the concerned, looking at his friend sitting right next to him.
"You're moving your legs like a crazy person there, and it's making my seat shake" explained Sunoo.

Jungwon looked at his legs, he hadn't noticed before Sunoo had told him.
He sighed and forced himself to stay quiet.

"Thank you" whispered Sunoo, as the dean walked on the stage.

The Psychiatrist- Jaywon FFWhere stories live. Discover now