Nurse Yang

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Silence floated around them. Jungwon's friends were holding their breaths in, waiting for what would happen next.

Apparently they all knew something Jay didn't, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Uh, alright" he said, trying to sound casual.

Jungwon got up, quickly looking at Sunoo. The latter looked back at him, a slight sorry spark shone in his eyes.


The air outside was cold. They had sat for quite a while in the bar, where the atmosphere was warmer.

"There's something I obviously don't know about" said Jay, incapable of waiting any longer.

Jungwon looked embarrassed. His round cheeks were reddish, which only made him cuter and fluffier. Jay wasn't mad at him, he was just curious.

"You are right" stated Jungwon. "You don't know all of it."

Jay nodded, at least he was right.

"What do you know about your accident?" asked Jungwon.
"Well, I know something happened to me, you found me, called the emergency and I stayed in a coma for more than a year. At the hospital, at first, the nurse who took care of me was Kim Sunoo, but a day before I woke up, the nurse changed and you took Sunoo's place" summed up Jay.

Jungwon nodded.

"Before I tell you everything, I wanted to say that I wasn't going to keep this all for myself forever. I just wanted to give you more time, hoping that your memory would come back" said Jungwon.
"Alright" said Jay, getting scared.

Jungwon took a deep breath.

"There's a reason that I was the one to find you" said Jungwon. "We were actually talking to each other when you collapsed."
"What?" instinctively replied Jay.

"Well, you contacted me because Soobin" started Jungwon.
"Soobin my cousin?" asked Jay, suddenly very aware that he had forgotten about him until now.
"Yes" confirmed Jungwon. "You had mentioned to Soobin that you might be interested in becoming a psychiatrist, since you hated your management studies. So Soobin gave you my number, since I did study psychiatry for a year before switching fields and becoming a nurse."

Jay frowned, incapable of speaking. Weird flashbacks were coming to him. Somehow he felt that he already knew this story. He remembered feeling too disconnected in his studies. This is why he wanted to choose a field in which he would actually help people. A field with human contact.

"So you contacted me" continued Jungwon slowly. "We set up a day to meet, so that you could ask me whatever questions you had."

Jungwon stopped, he wanted to give Jay the time he needed. As Jay nodded, Jungwon continued.

"So we were walking along the river, chatting" said Jungwon. "I was telling you about my psychiatry studying times when all of the sudden you collapsed. To this day, I still don't know why, I'm sorry."

Jay felt his knees getting weaker.
So Jungwon and him had met before.
They had spoken before.

"But.. why didn't the group want me to know this?" asked Jay, confused about their reactions.

"That's not the part they're worried about" said Jungwon.

Jay tilted his head.

"As you know, you were brought to the hospital. Unfortunately I was not working at the hospital then. The clinic I worked at was way better, but I managed making my contract end before it was meant to, and Sunoo helped me get a job at the hospital. Actually we did kind of switch places. He's now working at the clinic" explained Jungwon.

"I don't get it, why would you trade a better job for the hospital one?" asked Jay.

Jungwon looked deep into Jay's eyes.

"Because I couldn't stand not seeing you every day" he said.

The ground crumbled around Jay's feet.
What is happening?

"I did visit you as much as I could, though" added Jungwon. "The day I started working at the hospital, I was extremely grateful to be the one taking care of you. It's funny that you woke up a day later."

A cold breeze passed through them, making Jay shiver.
He couldn't believe what was happening. Jungwon had changed his whole life to be able to see him. He had left a good job just to take care of him. The worst is that in the end, Jay had woken up just after, so all that Jungwon had done only had been worth for a week.

Nonetheless, it amazed Jay that he had woken up after Jungwon's arrival.

"It's as if..." started Jungwon.
"I had sensed you were there" finished Jay.

The Psychiatrist- Jaywon FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora