Yang Jungwon

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Jay frowned.

He was very lost at this instant.

First, he apparently had woken up from a coma, how did that happen?
Then his mother had announced that his one and only friend came from his imagination.

And now, he had just met the new nurse, who looked exactly like his imaginary psychiatrist.

"So?" asked the nurse, next to Jay.
"Jay?" asked his mother.

The latter looked at them, incapable of speaking.

"I.." started Jay, not knowing what to do.

That is when he realized something pretty urgent.
"I, uhm, need to go to the bathroom" he said. "I just don't know if my legs will walk."
"May I ask you to leave the room, please?" asked Jungwon, looking at the mother. "Only for a few minutes, I have to help your son going to the bathroom."

She looked upset. After all, her son had just woken up. She didn't want to leave his side. She eventually accepted, walking rapidly towards the door.

"Okay, easy" said Jungwon, with the most gentle voice.

Jay looked at him before moving. His heart was beating so loudly in his chest. The nurse looked exactly like the psychiatrist.

How is that possible?

He had the same boba eyes, the same perfect nose, the same illegal dimple.

"When did you start working here?" asked Jay.

Going to the bathroom after a year of coma didn't seem as important as the mysterious man in front of him.

"To be truthful, I started yesterday" replied Jungwon. "But we can talk about that once you'll have gone to the toilet, alright?"
"Okay" replied Jay, who would rather have talked about it now.

Thankfully, the nurse helped Jay getting up. The latter felt the blood rushing through his veins painfully, as if a thousand needle were piercing his legs. He didn't want to complain though.

Not in front of Jungwon.

"Is walking too hard?" asked Jungwon. "Your legs must be hurting you."
"It's... okay" replied Jay, knowing that he hadn't convinced anyone.

They walked slowly towards the toilet. Jay felt weird leaning on Jungwon like that. He loved how close to him he was, of course. However the context was quite ridiculous.

Jay was a grown man, yet he was incapable of walking to the toilet alone.

"You're doing great" whispered Jungwon.

His tone was soft and sincere.

Jay smiled. It felt so unreal. He was smiling.

Can't remember last time that happened for real.

The trip to the toilet was over, now the more difficult part was about to happen. Jungwon helped Jay sitting down and left to give him privacy.

A few minutes later, Jay opened the door. He looked as relieved as one could be.

"Was everything okay?" asked Jungwon. "I know it's awkward, but I need to know so that I can put it on your file, for your doctor."

Jay frowned. It wasn't awkward for him. Jungwon was his nurse. It was okay sharing this kind of things with him.

"Difficult at first, but then everything normal" replied Jay.
"Perfect" commented Jungwon. "Let's walk back. You can try sitting for a bit."

Jay nodded. He felt better than before, however he wanted Jungwon to help him.

He wanted to feel his arm on his waist.

The nurse and the patient walked back to the bed. As soon as Jay sat down, Jungwon took his arm off Jay, leaving a tray of emptiness in him.

"Let me call your mother, and then I'll bring you food" said Jungwon.

Jay looked down.

"What is it?" asked the nurse.
"Don't go" simply replied Jay.

Jungwon seemed surprised by the answer. His eyes opened a wider than usual.

"I'll be back soon, I promise" he said, patting Jay's shoulder.


"How did I fall into coma?" asked Jay.

This question had been driving him insane since he was up.

"We don't know exactly" replied the mother, obviously upset. "I was a Wednesday, at noon. I received a call from the hospital, saying you had been found unconscious in the street."

Jay was trying to remember as hard as he could.

"Next thing I knew, I was here in this room. You were in a coma" she said, her voice trembling from emotion.

Jay nodded slowly.

"Since then, I've tried coming here as much as I could" she explained. "The doctors told us that you could hear us, so I talked to you for hours."
"Thank you" whispered Jay, truly touched.

He took his mother's hands in his, gently squeezing them.

"I'm sorry I worried you" he whispered, looking at her.

She looked more tired than he remembered.

"The important thing is that you're back" she whispered back.


"I have your food!" said Jungwon, as he opened the door. "Corn is on the menu today, I hope you like it!"
"I love corn" replied Jay, a big smile on his lips.

"Where is your mother?" he asked, not seeing her in the room.
"She had to leave" said Jay. "But I think she'll be back tomorrow."
"Of course, of course" nodded Jungwon.

He put the food tray on the little table, before sliding it in front of Jay.

"There you go" he said gently. "Enjoy your meal."

Jay looked at him, catching the cutest smile he had ever seen.

"I'll be back when you're done" announced Jungwon.
"Oh" replied Jay instinctively. "Can't you stay?"

Jungwon hesitated.

"I haven't had a conversation in months" added Jay.

Jungwon sighed.

"I can't stay too long though. I have other patients to take care of" he said.
"Thank you" replied Jay, grateful.

"How are you holding up ?" asked Jungwon.

He was sitting on the chair next to Jay, as the latter ate.

"Not gonna lie, it feels extremely weird" explained Jay. "I missed a whole year of my life."
"I'm sorry" said Jungwon. "It must be really difficult."

"I'm sorry to ask" started Jay. "But I need to try."
"Tell me" said Jungwon, curious.

Why does it feel like a Deja Vu?

"My mom told me someone found me unconscious and called the ambulance. Do you know who it was? Maybe if I can contact them, I'll be able to know what happened to me. Maybe I'll know how I fell into coma" said Jay, as he mixed the soup with his spoon.

"Well" started Jungwon.

"Perhaps it's in my file?" added Jay, instantly regretting having cut Jungwon.

"No need" said Jungwon. "I know who found you."
"Really?" asked Jay, forgetting his spoon full of soup.

"I'm the one who found you" said Jungwon, intensely looking into Jay's eyes.

The Psychiatrist- Jaywon FFWhere stories live. Discover now