Chapter 9

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I took a deep breath and meanwhile I saw Mr. Kim taking out a pen and notebook keeping it on the table.

"Yes so what is your doubt?" He asked me. Here were other teachers also and I didn't wanted others to hear.

"Um Mr. Kim ca-can I come closer to you. I-I mean I need to tell you something important."

I said and I could see his face redden a bit due to my previous words , but however he straightened himself.

"Ok tell me what is it?" He asked me leaning a bit on his table to hear me.

"N-no Mr. Kim here anyone can hear it's something really serious...please" I said and he seemed to understand me.

"Ok sure you can sit beside me." He said and pulled another chair keeping close to his seat and I sat there.

He opened his notebook and wrote something in it. 'Act like we are studying and then tell me what you want to say' it said.

"Ok Mr. Kim." I said and then finally decided to tell him him what I saw.

"Mr. Kim actually while coming today I heard some loud voices...when I followed those voices I-I saw the same bullies bullying a student."

He listened to me attentively and he looked at me while I was speaking and that actually made me a bit warm from inside.

"And I even recorded it from my phone." I said and he raised his eyebrows. "Ok that's good....can you show me?" He said and I nodded and I took out my phone , opened my gallery and showed him the video.

I could see he was a bit surprised seeing them as how they beat , kicked and punched the other student.

"Hm ok it's a great evidence and I will need this video so can you send?"

"Yes sure Mr. Kim...but I need your phone for that." I said and he nodded and gave me his phone.

I took his phone and opened his call keypad entering my phone number in it and saved my number on his phone.

"Mr. kim I have saved my number on your phone as 'y/n' and I have sent you the video on your message."

"Ok thanks."

"Welcome Mr. Kim and I should go now the break will get over anytime now."

"Ok sure" He said and I stood up and bowed at him and then went outside going to my classroom.

Time Skip

It was last period and we were studying geography then suddenly the door opened revealing the bullies who were not here since the time I came after break.

I saw Mr. Kim coming behind them. "Sorry ma'am to disturb you but these boys are suspended and they need their bags right now." He said and our geography teacher nodded.

We all students saw the bullies were angry and irritated while taking their bags and I saw Mr. Kim looking at me and I knew he only showed the video and made them suspended.

"Thank you ma'am." Mr. Kim said and then went outside with the bullies.

Soon the bell rang and the school finished. I packed my bag and stood up to go outside.

I came outside and saw the clouds were forming in the sky and that it was gonna rain heavily soon. I hadn't brought an umbrella so I decided to quickly run and reach home.

I went down the main stairs of our building and felt someone pulling me. The person pulled me in an area.

"Ahh leave me." I said and turned around and saw the bullies. "Y-you but you are suspended how come you are here?" I asked.

He left my hand and stood with his others mates in which I saw was a girl too.

"Yes we are suspended but the teachers are not gonna drop us home right we will go ourselves...and they think we have already gone." She said and began laughing.

"What you guys do is so bad and wrong." I said and began walking to go back but the girl held my arm.

"Hey wait did we tell you to go." She said rudely. "And we know you are the one who complained about us." Said the other guy folding his arms.

"Because of you we are suspended." He added more and the girl tightened the grip on my arm giving me pain.

"Leave me" I said but they didn't let me go and kept on blaming me.

Taehyung POV

I had finished my work and was going outside but I saw a keychain laying on the floor.

I picked it up and recognised that it was  a butterfly keychain and of y/n's. It was laying near a lonely area.

'Why is her keychain laying here in a lonely area' I thought and began walking to that area.

I reached and saw the bullies with y/n blaming her that because of her they are suspended.

"Hey what's going on?" I said loudly causing the girl to leave her hand and the others to step back with fright.

"No-nothing Mr. Kim we just...."

"Shut up and go back to your home." I said and they nodded and went outside leaving me and y/n alone.

Your POV

"Once again thank you Mr. Kim." I said and he took a step forward. "Welcome" He said.

"Um did they do something to you y/n?" He asked and I could see concern in his face.

"No Mr. Kim they just blamed me that because of me they are suspended."

"Oh ok"

"Umm I'll get going then." I said and slowly began walking. He nodded and began walking with me too.

I kept on walking and reached the bus stop as Mr. Kim was beside me. I thought he will come till the main gate but he came till here otherwise he goes in his car.

"Mr. kim aren't you going in your car?" I asked as I sat on the seat of the bus stop and saw him sitting too.

"Actually my car is in garage for some repair so I have to take bus today." He said and I nodded.

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