The Endings 98

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She opened her eyes she realized she was being carried by a group of Oni. All of a sudden she heard tires squeal and then the whirring of a drill head. The Oni's attention was diverted so Misty took the chance and forced herself to tumble from their arms. She then rolled away from them. And just in time too because they were plowed into by a very familiar-looking car.

Before the car sped off Misty gathered her strength and smacked on the dome and shouted to the person inside. "Cole! Cole! Let me in!"

Cole saw her and let out a shout, and then actually stepped on the gas. Misty clung to the car and slammed placed her palm on the dome and allowed a little bit of crystal to start spreading across it. Instantly it opened and Misty tumbled into the car seat below. The dome snapped shut instantly the moment after she fell into the car. Misty started to sit up.

But Instantly she felt a weapon tip at her throat... and a voice says, "I didn't know they could shapeshift of mimic must be a pretty smart one to have taken her form... even so, you won't be shown mercy."

"It's me, Cole! It's Misty!" Misty said and she flung her hands up palm up, to show she had no weapon.

"Tell me something only Misty and I could know," Cole said scowling, and the weapon's edge dug a little deeper into Misty's neck.

Misty blurted out the only thing she could think of and said, "You promised that we're still a team and nothing will change that. No matter what, we're going to be there for each other."

The weapon was pulled away from her throat and Cole slumped back in his seat and said, "What the heck are you doing down here Misty?"

"Me? What about you!" Misty asked and she glanced at the control panel, and said, "You put it on auto?"

"We should arrive shortly just in time to help the others," Cole said quietly

"What happened?" Misty pressed again.

"There was an accident and fell from the bounty..." Cole murmured

"Thank goodness you're alright!" Misty said and she reached forward and gently turned Cole's face side to side and inspected him and said "No bones broken?"

Cole seemed to stiffen slightly especially as Misty drew closer to his face and said, "Honestly I'm impressed! Here I thought I was the only one who could survive falling off something tall."

Cole then placed his hand on Misty's shoulders and said, "Yes, Misty I'm fine...thank you for being concerned about me, but please keep some distance between us..."

Misty quickly slide away from Cole and lowered her head as she said, "I'm sorry... I.. wasn't thinking... I was just relieved that you were okay..."

"Thank you for your concern. I'm actually kind of concerned about you too Misty... There's dried blood on your face. Along with the fact that your eyes are glowing, you have fangs and um... horns..."

Immediately Misty quickly turned her back on Cole and tried using her hand to hide her face and said, "P-please don't look at me... I forgot... I now resemble those... monsters... no wonder you reacted the way you did. When I first demanded to be let in the car..."

"Yes that did startle me, but now that you're closer I can still tell it's you, Misty..." Cole said

Misty laughed bitterly and said, "I look like a monster,"

"You're not a monster," Cole said gently.

"Thanks, Cole," Misty said smiling

"Anytime," Cole replied

Misty and the March of the Oni (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now