Taking the Plunge 96

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As Misty arrived on the deck she heard Zane's voice over the loudspeaker say, "All hands to the bridge," Once she had climbed up the ladder she went and stood beside Lloyd and was shortly joined by Kai, Jay, and Cole. Garmadon let out a loud cough and all the Ninja jumped to face him it was obvious that tension was running high, and Garmadon said, "The Oni arrived in this Realm through a portal or rift in-between our world and theirs." Garmadon then with his hands behind his back started walking toward the group.

Lloyd pushed Misty behind him and moved to stand in front of the others and her, as Garmadon approached. The other Ninja moved nervously with bated breath prepared for a fight, as Garmadon continued to talk and walk toward them he eventually turned and started pacing instead. The ninja's eyes never stopped moving from his form. "There are only one or two ways this is possible, and I'm willing to wager it would have been through the Realm Crystal, to stop this darkness from spreading the crystal must be destroyed."

Zane then started typing on the keyboard and said, "The Realm Crystal is currently housed in the new high-security vault below Borg Tower." Zane said

Nya rushed over and stared at the screen and said, "That's smack in the middle of Ninjago City!"

"Um, we just escaped from there, remember? It's engulfed in a giant black cloud of destruction! Now you're asking us to turn around and go back?" Kai shouted turning to Garmadon, the other ninja was again staring at him with less than pleasant looks.

"I ask nothing. I am telling you that if you wish to stop the darkness, the crystal must be destroyed." Garmadon said

"And I'm telling you, forget it. Just one of those black cloud tentacle things got my foot for a second and nearly froze me solid. We wouldn't last a minute inside the darkness!" Cole shouted

"That is correct. You are merely human. I, however, am Oni I can enter the darkness, make my way to the crystal and destroy it. I will, of course, require a weapon." Garmadon said matter of factly.

"HAHA! Fact Chance!" Cole shouted with a laugh.

"Do you really expect us to just hand you a sword and let you go?" Lloyd said

"If you wish to live, yes," Garmadon said

"Well, forget it! No way! I wouldn't trust you with a.... a... a..." Lloyd said

"a pillow?" Kai offered

Cole, Jay, Nya, and Lloyd looked at Kai with very unamused are you serious looks.

"It's the most harmless thing I could think of," Kai said

"You could actually still kill someone with a pillow...." Misty muttered under her breath.

"It's not going to happen! You're not going anywhere. Not without me. I'm your son, remember? I'm Oni too." Lloyd said and he stepped forward face to face with his father.

Garmadon leaned forward and said, "No, you are part Oni." and he shoved Lloyd backward, Misty caught him and the other ninja got into a fighting stance as Garmadon continued to say.

"That means you might survive, your little girlfriend has a better chance of surviving going down there than you, "begin more Oni than you, although since they are gunning for her, it'd be unwise to send her into the lion's den willingly."

Lloyd narrowed his eyes and said, "I guess we'll find out because she won't be going." Garmadon walked off as the ship flew back toward Ninjago City.

Misty then turned to Lloyd even though he was about to walk off to speak to the others. And grabbed his sleeve and said, "Why wouldn't I go with you?!"

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