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Running through the dark streets there was a young man in his arms a basket and inside was a bundle wrapped in blankets. The young man had his face hidden, by a scarf and hat that was pulled down low.

He had to get there he had to make it, not only was his wife counting on him... but she was counting on him too, the one in the basket that was currently fast asleep, unaware that her life was about to change forever.

Luckily he made it to the orphanage steps, crouched down, and gently placed the basket on the steps. He opened the lid to gaze at the little baby girl inside it for one last time, his little daughter, who he'd never get to see grow up.

Once he opened the basket the little girl inside eyes opened, and she yawned and cooed back at the man gazing down at her lovingly.

As the man looked down at his daughter, he was reminded of what his wife had told him, "I'm glad her appearance takes after you dear, I was afraid she'd take after me instead."

"Well I don't think that would have been a problem, my love she would have been just as beautiful as her mother then," he had replied gazing lovingly at his wife.

"I mean I was afraid she'd look like... the real me..." the woman said as she held the girl close to her.

"To me, you still look beautiful no matter what form you are in," he said and he gave his wife a kiss on the forehead, and then kissed his daughter on the head as well.

The only appearance the girl took after her mother was her eyes which were pretty and unusually violet in color, and her small size, other than that her appearance resembled her father's, from the tips of her fingers to the tips of her dark hair.

The man then took the baby out of the basket and gave her one last kiss on the forehead, and murmured softly to her, "I and your mother love you so much, Both of us know you're destined for such great things, we love you, our little light, our beloved little Mistu."

He then placed the baby back in the basket along with a note that only said, "This is our precious little Mistu please take good care of her..."

He then closed the lid of the basket and took a step away from it and then another backing away from it. Inside he could hear the baby girl start to cry. And he forced himself to turn around and hurry off as he saw the orphanage's light come on. He hurried off farther away from the building and deeper into the darkness.

He was a few blocks away when he felt two people grab him roughly and then shove a sack over his head, someone hard came in collision with his head and he lost conciseness shortly afterward.

When he came to he was handcuffed and on either side of him stood two demon-looking figures, with pitch-black skin, horns sprouted from their heads, and fangs from their mouths. Purple veins ran across their body in patterns and they had purple glowing eyes, the same color purple as his daughters and wife.

The One dragged him into a room inside it he saw a figure he recognized very well, a woman with dark hair and, and purple eyes, the tips of her hands were tipped black and formed claws, she had fangs peeking out from her red lips, and horns sprouted from her head as well.

She was glaring down at the others that surrounded her currently.

"Masumi, step down... unless you want your little human to get hurt," A low and deep growling voice boomed

Masumi turned and saw the man that the two demons held between them. She instantly changes back her hands and her fangs shrank, and her horns disappeared.

The demons then circled in closer toward the woman.

The voice boomed, "Where is the child that was created from your betrayal Masumi?"

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