Spar -Chapter 4

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The whole team was now standing around the training circle in the main hall. They had decided that Robin was going to be the one to fight the former ghost. Technically they would be the most similar, so it made sense. Phantom and Robin both stepped onto the white glowing circle in the center of the room. Beneath them two blue circles appeared.

The one under Robin's black boots read his name and stats, but the one underneath Phantom's red sneakers just read as a guest. Even their tech couldn't recognize him in his human form, figures. Danny looked back up towards the other raven-haired boy. He needed to win this so that they wouldn't baby him anymore, to at least prove himself. But then again was sure that they would still do it anyway no matter what happens here.

"Alright let's do this Boy Wonder." Danny smirked and fell into a more defensive position. "Unless you're scared to fight me." Robin did a stance similar and held his gloved fists out. He had removed all of his weapons before the fight, same with Danny, it was going to be one on one. No powers.

"Try not to hurt him too much Rob!" Wally yelled out. Danny and Conner both winced at the redhead's volume.

Danny rolled his eyes. "Guys, I've had worse than a teen in a traffic light costume punching me! Give it your best shot Robin."

Robin's eyes narrowed under his domino mask as he lunged forward. Danny quickly dodged out of the way and stepped back towards the center of the circle more. When Robin came closer again Danny tried to step behind him and trip him, only for Robin to somehow avoid it and jump up into a backflip, the show-off.

After a few more back and forth hits Danny smirked, Robin was definitely holding back when it came to actually attacking Danny. And that's just what he needed. Robin jumped forward again to do another mock blow and this time instead Danny grabbed onto his forearm and spun him over his head and onto his back on the ground. There was a red light that flashed under him with the sound of a buzzer. Most of the team around them gasped.

Danny grinned as he turned around and reached his hand out to Robin for him to grab. "See I told you. I know how to fight. Although I'm mostly self-taught, the other ghosts did teach me a few things, pretty much survival of the fittest back home." Robin grabbed onto the boy's forearm and accepted the help.

"You beat Robin?" Artemis asked in shock and disbelief.

Danny rolled his eyes and started walking out of the circle. "It wasn't that hard, he was holding back and-." He was cut off as he tipped over his own foot and fell to the ground with a thud.

Everyone on the team gasped and rushed to his side to help him up. "Are you okay!?" Wally exclaimed.

"Great, back at square one," Danny muttered under his breath before looking up at the rest of his team. "You Have got to be kidding me guys!" Danny called out. Conner grabbed him from under his arms and lifted him to his feet effortlessly, making Danny look like a puppy being held up. "I just tripped."

Wally gasps, "You could have died!"

Danny runs his hand down his face, he also realizes that Conner has still not let go of his sides, still holding him up in case he falls again. "I literally just beat Robin in a one-on-one fight!" Danny tried to shrug Conner off of him to no avail. "And name one person who has died by tripping."

Robin immediately held up his arm scanner and started to look it up. "That was rhetorical!" Danny called out exasperated. Robin put his arm down slowly. "I swear if death by coddling isn't a real thing I am going to make it one."

Megan floated forward a bit. "Phantom, we're just worried about you. You just came back to life! We don't want you to die immediately again."

"Contrary to popular belief being dead isn't all that bad. Besides the ghost and human racism I mean." Danny shrugged. "And Conner could you put me down now?" Danny turned his head and raised an eyebrow at the clone who's eyes widened before he placed Danny firmly on the ground and stepped back looking sheepish.

Megan brightened up with an idea. Danny immediately felt in his gut that this was going to end up bad for him. "Then how about we show you how amazing life is again!"

"Excuse me?" Danny raised an eyebrow.

"I have only been on earth for a little bit and it is already one of the best places I have ever been to in my life! So we will show you how it felt to be alive again! And then you definitely won't kill yourself!" The martian's voice was overly cheery for the words that just came out of her mouth.

Danny sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't have anything else to do today. "Fine... Show me what you got." He was going to regret this, wasn't he?



Alright, another chapter! I didn't realize I left this for so long, lol sorry about that. I am also thinking of turning this into a little bit longer of a story now. Probably like 12 chapters? Not sure yet. But I have some more ideas for it and want to add them. Trust me there are a lot more shenanigans to come. XD

Thank you for all of your amazing comments so far I love them so much! I read every one and always brighten up when I see them. :D

Please tell me what you thought of this chapter and if there is anything you want to see in the future, I might just add it. ;)

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