We Won't Let You Die -Chapter 2

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They all rushed back to the base as fast as they could. "Dude, you're alive again!" Wally exclaimed. "What does it feel like? Wait, what does it feel like to be dead?"

"I- uhh..." Danny didn't really know what to say in this situation. Thankfully Artemis butted in.

"Wally! Stop bugging him, you playing a hundred questions right now is not going to help his stress."

Kal turned to Robin. "Do we know what the blast did for sure?"

Robin turned to his computer. "No, I can't even get my hands on the original blaster. It blew up after it collided with Phantom. Some of his energy was sent back through the beam overloading the system."

"So, in other words. We don't have the weapon to test on?" Danny asked.

"Sadly no," Robin responded. Danny was slightly glad that they didn't Because if they did they might be able to find out that it is just a normal blaster or something. But... he did feel really drained. His core was still there; he could feel it humming in his chest, but it felt off somehow. He would have to try and transform the next chance he got, just to see if he could still transform.

"Don't worry, Phantom, we'll figure this out," Artemis reassured.

"But in the meantime-." Wally sped off and was back in a flash. He circled around Danny a couple dozen times before skidding to a stop to admire his handiwork. "Seeing as now you are completely human now, this should keep you safe." He gestured both hands at Danny.

Danny was now surrounded by bubble wrap. He didn't even know where Wally got it. It made him look like a gigantic burrito. The wrap put him off balance and he fell to the ground on his side, bouncing slightly. "I am not going to be spending the rest of my new life in bubble wrap! And I don't need to be Kept safe. Now get me out of here!" His arms were pinned to his side

Wally sighed and in another fast blur the bubble wrap was gone and Danny was still laying on his side on the ground, glaring a hole into Wally. "But now you are completely defenseless," Wally explained. "You don't have any powers now, and can't fight the bad guys."

Danny stood up being careful of his injured leg, trying not to let the others know he was hurt. Explaining his fast healing in a human form would be difficult. "Robin is completely human and he still fights with you guys." He gestured to the traffic light-coloured hero.

"Yeah but Robin... He Uh..." Artemis started. "I mean he has weapons, and training with his human body. You have only had training with your, uh... dead body. And you have only been alive for a couple of hours."

Danny raised an eyebrow. "And I had fourteen years of life before dying, This isn't my first time having a heartbeat." The others kinda got quiet after that. "I know how to fight and use weapons, I even have my own that my humans use in fights." He pulled out a Fenton blaster from his hip, Pressing the small button on the top of it causing the small tube to expand into a handheld weapon to prove his point.

Robin stepped forward. "Phantom, we just don't want you getting hurt in battle."

Danny crossed his arms. "Okay, well then I'm going back to my haunt." He spun around on his heel to head for the zeta tube, his hands shoved into his jean pockets. "I'll just go die again, and everything will go back to normal." He said that mostly to himself, completely forgetting that everyone there had enhanced hearing.

Everyone was shocked by that. Wally rushed over to Danny and sped him back to the group. "Phantom you can't just die again, you only just came back to life!" Megan cried out.

"We don't even know if you dieing now would make you a ghost again," Robin added a tinge of worry in his voice.

Danny shrugged. "It worked once didn't it? Guys, I'll be fine." He waved them off.

Artemis grabbed onto Danny's wrist. "Phantom we aren't going to let you go and jump off a bridge or something."


"Okay Phantom, how about you stay here for a while, while we figure out what is going on. And no death attempts." Wally scolded, waving his finger at Danny.

Danny sighed. "Fine. But no promises." Now what is he going to do, he will figure something else out. Ugh, this is going to be a long day.



Lol, thank you so much to everyone who commented on the last chapter, I was given so much love for this story and I am excited to write more. Also good news! There will be one or two more chapters to this. I decided on extending it a bit. It will still be a short story and have an end, but now there will be more in it. This is so much fun to write.

Also, the line 'His humans' comes from a head cannon of mine. Where he is very protective over those few humans (Jazz, Sam, and Tucker.) The other ghosts refer to them as 'Phantom's humans' and know not to mess with them. Danny just picked it up and uses that terminology for when he is talking to other ghosts, and sometimes he slips up and says it around other humans, forgetting that it is not a normal thing to say.

Please tell me what you thought of this story so far! :D Your comments mean so much to me and help me continue.

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