Chapter 1

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DHuesta, Euria (OR30), Jack (CK9C), Charlie Green (CG5) and Will Ryan (DAGames) were at Will's home, hanging out. "Did you get any response from Lewis?" Jack asked. "He said he's bug testing a game right now, so he can't hang out with us," DHeusta replied. "I was really hoping that he could go bowling with us tonight..." Charlie said, in a somewhat defeated voice. "Don't be sad, Charlie... We can always go bowling tomorrow. Or even go to Alton Towers!" Euria reassured. Charlie sighed. "What are we going to do? 8-Bit Ryan helped us get plane tickets to the UK, now we're due to go back to the US in 4 weeks from today!" Jack complained. "Relax, Jack! We can always hang out with Lewis another day," Will replied in a calm voice. 

"If you say so, man." "Hey, speaking of Lewis... Shouldn't we go check on him?" "Yeah, we should." Charlie stood up from the couch. "Come on guys, let's go to Lewis's house and make sure he's okay." He took his car keys and took his coat. "Charlie, wait for us!!" The others called as Charlie left for his car. "Are you guys coming or not?" He teased. "Oh my goodness, Charlie!!!!" Charlie laughed. They went into his car, and Charlie drove off to Lewis's house. On the way, they sang their own songs, as to not avoid copyright, even though they weren't recording. They passed Marshall (Dolvondo), who had come to the UK to hang out with Rhys (Razzbowski). "Hey Marshall!" Jack called out.

"Hey CK9C! What's up?" Marshall beamed. "We're on our way to Lewis's house. You wanna come?" Jack asked. Marshall shook his head. "Sorry Jack, I promised Rhys I would hang out with him." "Aw man, that's a bummer!" DHeusta remarked. "Well, I'll see you guys later. Bye!" Marshall waved goodbye to his friends as the car drove further to the house. "Should we be recording right now?" Euria proposed. Charlie's eyes lit up. He had a look on his face that said: "I'd love to pull pranks on Lewis!" And everyone knew that face all too well. Charlie Green, the prankster. He always had something up his sleeves, mostly babybel cheese. 

Then, the group had arrived at Lewis's home. They stepped out of Charlie's car, which he locked, and tried to open the door. "It's locked." "Don't worry, I got a spare key from him," Charlie replied. The others were shocked. "You have a SPARE KEY from Lewis freaking Dawkins?!" Will couldn't believe it. "You better believe it, Will. I know Lewis as well as you do, he just trusts me more," Charlie commented. Will laughed. "He trusts us all, doesn't he? He should give us all spare keys!" DHeusta commented, teasing Charlie. "No way! You guys would lose your spare keys easily!" "Says the one who lost his spare key twice. Lucky you, Lewis had found it before it could go permanently missing," Euria remarked. Charlie pouted as he took out his keys. 

He went through each of them, until he found Lewis's spare key. It was engraved with his name on it. Charlie unlocked the door, and everyone went in. Mabel was whimpering as she went up to the group. "Hey Mabel! What's wrong? Did you get hurt?" Jack asked.  Mabel led the group to Lewis's gaming room.  The group was even more worried about Lewis. Was he okay? What happened to him? These questions ran through their minds. DHeusta gently opened the door, went in and froze. "DHeusta? Are you okay?" Will tapped his shoulder. DHeusta blinked. "It's Lewis... He's... He's..." DHeusta stuttered on his words. "Spit it out, dude! Tell us what happened!" 

He stepped off to the side. The others went in. "See? It's not so bad-" "Lewis?!?!?!" Will screamed. Lewis was on the floor, unconscious. Euria kneeled down to Lewis's eye level and looked at his body as Charlie kicked the chair to a corner. His eyes were closed, and his breathing was slow. Euria checked his pulse. "His heart is still beating, that's good." "So he's not dead?" "He's not dead, Jack." "Hey, I'm not the one who froze on the spot!" Jack, DHeusta, Will, and Euria started arguing. "Shut up!" Charlie yelled. The room went silent. "Lewis could wake up any time, and see us arguing! Do you think he'd want that?!" Charlie continued. They shook their heads. Charlie sat on Lewis's chair. "Well anyway... What do you think happened to him?" Euria asked.

"Judging by his uh... position... I'm assuming he probably passed out or something." Will coughed. Charlie fought the urge to prank Lewis. Maybe he would have done a whipped cream prank where he would put some onto Lewis's hand, then tickle his nose so it would go on his face. And then he would possibly wake up. "Charlie, I know you wanna prank Lewis right now, but-" Will was interrupted by Lewis's PC turning on. "What the-" "Did he leave his PC on?" Charlie touches the PC tower. It's cold to the touch. "Nope, it's cold." Charlie looked on Lewis's desktop as he was now standing. Jack picked up Lewis's body and put him onto the chair. 

The rest of the group went closer to the screen. The desktop looked normal. Euria noticed the early copy of FNAF: Security Breach. "Hey guys, look! Is this what Lewis was talking about?" Everyone gasped. "FNAF: Security Breach... Wow," DHeusta said. Charlie clicked on the game, but it didn't work. "That's weird." "Maybe it only responds to Lewis." Jack went to Lewis's left arm, and slowly lifted it. Pushing the chair forward, Jack slowly edged his way onto the computer mouse. Suddenly, Lewis squeezed Jack's hand. "Woah!" Lewis's grip grew tighter as Jack tried to break free from his grip. "Help me!!!" Jack screamed.

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