Part 1: The Nine Tails Attacks and Early Childhood

Start from the beginning

Naruto looked at Itachi with pure amazement. Aside from Obito, Rin, Kakashi, and Teuchi, none of the adults would even give Naruto the time of day. They all looked at him as if he was the reincarnation of pure evil. But for him, knowing that there were some other people in the world that would not hurt him, made Naruto smile more than ever.

"Uchiha huh, so you're from Big brother Obito's clan?" Naruto could only ask Itachi.

"Why yes I am. And I am proud to be an Uchiha."

A few minutes later

"We're here. BIG SISTER, I'M HOME!" Naruto yelled, hoping to see his big sister Rin Nohara.

Rin comes out of the kitchen and sees Naruto badly bruised, beaten up, and with cuts and wounds all over his body. She runs to him and starts hugging him, crying.

"My poor younger brother! What happened to you? Who did this to you? I will make sure they pay for hurting you!!!!!" Rin yelled, slightly scaring Itachi.

"It was the villagers, I was returning home from a mission sent by lord 5th when I saw them beating him up. I found him nearly on the verge of death." Itachi said.

"And who might you be?" Rin asked.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha."

"Well thank you Itachi for bringing Naruto home safely. I am forever in your gratitude."

"I will report this incident to Lord 5th now, hopefully these attacks stop. I can't stand people who would harm innocent children."

With that, Itachi left for the Hokage office to report the incident.

Rin looked at Naruto with pure love in her eyes, hoping that her favorite little rascal was at least not emotionally scarred at the incidents. To her dismay, she could sense complete fear within Naruto and that he was truly scared of this world. She knew she needed to tell Kakashi and Obito about the villagers actions, but she feared what they would do when they found out what happened to Naruto.

Naruto began to tear up, finally breaking down and claiming to Rin that she is the best big sister he could have ever asked for, and that he wholeheartedly thanks her for being there for him.

Suddenly, Naruto gets pulled into his mindscape.

In mindscape

"W-Where am I?" Naruto asked, fully terrified of what was about to happen. He found himself in a gloomy sewer system faced with a large orange fox

"Oi kit, who are you?" The demon fox asked him, fully aware of who the little boy was. 

"W-Who are you?" Naruto asked frightened half to death.

"I am the Nine-tails you brat, now open this god forsaken seal and let me out so I can be free again."

"The nine-tails huh, so you're the reason why everyone hates me."

"Unfortunately, yes I am."

"So, what is your real name? I know you are the nine-tails, but everyone has to have a real name. Otherwise, we'd all live in anarchy." Naruto said with a deadpanned expression on his face.

The Nine-tails was shocked at this. Nobody had ever asked him his name before, he sensed that this kid was different in every sense of the word. Not a kid full of hatred, not a kid who will only use him for his power, but a kid that just wants to be accepted into the world, and a kid who wants love in his life. As such, he felt he could trust Naruto to not abuse the power he was given, and only use it for the good of the world, but he had to be sure first.

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