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Porsche and Porsché were in the middle of eating dinner at one of the stands near their apartment when the ruckus started. Porsche looked a little bit surprised when six men stopped near them and got out of the cars, each one carrying a large gun and had sunglasses on their noses. It was eleven in the evening for crying out loud. Porsché on the other hand looked like he just saw his worst nightmare became real. He froze with his spoon raised, eyes wide and teary. But the gang members were not interested in customers, Porsche could hear the leader screaming at the owner about protection money they owned them. But this was Boss Korn's territory, Porsche looked at the reflection of a sticker on one of the cars, he recognized it as one of the lower upcoming gangs from the North of the city. Oh no, if a word comes out that they decided to take a part of Theerapanyakuns territory it would start a war.

Focus Porsche, he hissed at himself seeing his brother panicking even more. He grasped his hands into his own and gripped them tightly. "Porsché listen. Do not get up, keep your head down, and do not talk." He said, looking quickly at the people who were around. Most people were social workers or full-timers who were just after their shift. He slowly turned around and tried to get more details about the members. He caught the eye of one of the members who were closest to them. He nudged his colleague and both took a step forward. 

Porsche had several scenarios inside his head as to how it could end up like. One involved a lot of blood, not his but theirs - that was his last possible option. The most possible one was the one where they beat him and either shoot him or use him as a training dummy. He closed his eyes and breathed out. Of course, he needed to get their attention. Like he couldn't just avoid looking at them and for once be a normal person and forget that he was in the middle of training to become a bodyguard to one of the heirs of the most dangerous mafia families. 

When he opened his eyes, those two were closer to him and Porsché, and he was prepared to attack and save Porsché at any cost. What he did not expect was to hear several cars speeding towards where they were. He could see three SUVs without plates, but with golden stripes near the edges. Theerapanyakuns. Porsche felt like a bucket of ice-cold water was poured over him. The family had to be informed about the gang trying to rule over their territory. He gulped and turned to look at Porsché. The younger was trembling, his head was down and he was holding his hand over his mouth. 

People around stopped to look at what was happening. So were the gang members. None recognized the cars yet. Porsche was curious who actually came to see to the matter. It for sure was not Boss Korn, he was away for three days as Porsche remembered and he doubted that he would be back so soon unless something important happened. Bodyguards stepped out and Porsche narrowed his eyes when he saw the head of security of the youngest Theerapanyakun. So it was Boss Kim. 

And sure enough, it was him who stepped out of the car, slowly sliding down his overpriced sunglasses. His bodyguards never really crossed paths with Porsche so he did not know about them but they were still family bodyguards. They needed to be good. Kim looked around and sighed, before waving his hand. His men immediately went to work and dispensed the group who got tied and thrown into one of the SUVs which sped off. The rest looked at the people who were on the scene. The leader of the bodyguards went to the owner of the stand, who looked like he was more likely angry rather than scared about the whole thing. 

Porsche moved closer to Porsché when a sudden voice interrupted his movement. 

"If it isn't my new brother-in-law," an amused voice cut the silence. 

Porsche started to look around when his eyes landed on Kim. The younger was looking straight at him, a smirk on his face and eyes like a hawk. Other bodyguards were looking at him as well but they were quite surprised and curious, not like Kim amused. Porsché gripped his wrist and Porsche turned to look at his little brother, who was staring at the youngest Theerapanyakun. There was a hint of fear in his eyes and Porsche felt the sudden need to cover his little brother behind him and wish that Kim did not see him. Sadly, Porsché was seen. And he got Kim's attention.

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