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Porsche felt like every prayer all people on Earth ever told was not enough to get him out of meeting the head of the Theerapanyakul family. Well, he already made an idiot out of himself, screaming to Kinn that he won't be his bodyguard. What is more stupid when you're gonna die one way or another? The amount of money they proposed him for being one of apparently million other bodyguards of Kinn was insane and he would not say no to money that could keep him and Porsché above the water for years.

He was immediately taken for tailor and then along with newbies trained. After the first three days, he wanted to quit, there was no way that every bodyguard in the Theerapanyakul family knew so much about guns, knives, and martial arts. Hell, Porsche himself knew a lot about the martial arts but everything their trainer said seemed to be the complete opposite to what every other trainer has ever said.

"Looks like not everything is so flowery and sparkling, huh?" New, one of the old bodyguards asked, when he walked into the changing room after their training in shooting range. Porsche could immediately say that he was not happy they were there. "Come on, ladies. We have to get you moving in the next hour. Boss Korn decided that you will have the first unofficial official outing."

Somehow his eyes landed on Porsche, who was sitting on the floor and was hidden behind two other newbies.

"Boss Kinn wants to see you now. Come on."

Apparently, Kinn was in need of a maid. That's what Porsche thought when the man screamed ridiculous demands at him when he walked past his door. New was smirking next to Porsche; he was probably used to his Boss' moods or knew what Kinn had in sleeve for his new bodyguard.

Two men walked from a different room in Kinn's penthouse and Porsche narrowed his eyes at them, looking around for any weapon or direct danger. But both were introduced as Kinn's friends. Both far more human and put together than middle Theerapanyakul. Their presence still doesn't stop Kinn from being an asshole to Porsche.

"Bring me coffee."

"I won't do it. I'm not a maid."

"It's an order."


Suddenly they're fighting and then they're not. Porsche is dismissed, his head a mess, full of thoughts that scream at him to run as far as possible as fast as possible. He rides the elevator down and returns to the drills, not bothering to glare at others as they're watching him with curious gazes. They already knew who he was, there was no way they did not, after all, he made Kinn run around Bangkok to find him and they yelled insults at him in his home.

"Two hundred laps, do it under an hour and you can go change."

There are groans and whispers but Porsche quickly starts his laps, knowing that he needed to burn off that anger that was under his skin. He was finishing, only twenty more laps, when his thoughts started to calm down.

He couldn't back out now, this family already owned him. He took another harsh breath and looked around the track. Most of the newbies were good, running at a steady pace, two were being scolded by Pete - Khun's head bodyguard. He shook his head and slowed down, leaning forward. He finished two minutes under an hour, a good thing that the track wasn't big.

He almost hisses out loud, when he hit his shoulder against one of the walls in the hall. Who keeps halls in dim light? You can't see anything! Grumpily, he fixes his bag and moves towards the end of the hallway, when two voices stop him.

"Why does it have to be him?" It's Kinn.

Porsche looks around and narrows his eyes a little, trying to remember if he was here before. Then he notices small gold dragons above the black door and he knows he is standing before Boss Korn's office. He swallows and tries to move as quickly as possible from the hall.

"You made him my bodyguard. And I had to run around to look for him, how is he so special?"

Porsche's steps halt and he turns around. Their conversation is clearly focused on him, maybe he should stay and listen?

"His background is strongly related to us. All will be revealed when the time comes. From now on, that boy is going to protect you. All-day, for all I care he will even be in your university if necessary." Boss Kinn growls and Porsche can hear a lighter.

"You're hiding something from us. You can do that to Khun, Kim, or whoever else you want. I think I'm that one person you should not keep secrets from Father."

Porsche moves then, his legs taking him to his house, where Porsché waits with tear streaks on his face. His little brother did not see him for several days, only going out for school and back. When he finally calmed down and fell asleep, Porsche sat next to his bed and silently observed him.

Porsché was the only family he had left; their uncle didn't really give a shit about them, pretending to do when he needed money from Porsche. When their parents died it was tough, Porsche grew up too quickly, lacking maternal and paternal care. He tried as much as he could to keep Porsché alive and happy, but he was never really planning for more than one month ahead. Everything could happen to them. Especially, since their uncle lost job after job and created bigger debts.

He sighed and rubbed his face, staring at the city.

Why out of everyone in the world, he needed to make decisions that were the hardest ones a person could imagine?

Kinn was a nightmare, Porsche knew that from their first meeting. After a week of running around and three days of training, he knew that for sure. His family was powerful and rich, not only because of the illegal business, but they also did some legal one as well, that's what Pete said.

Porsche thought back at the night when he witnessed Kinn's beating behind the bar. He never asked how that started and what it was about. Also, Kinn knew how to protect himself, Porsche saw him train two times. Boss Korn made all heirs knew at least one martial art for necessary protection. So how come he was being beaten up and not dealt with it quickly? And where were his bodyguards that night?

He took out a cigarette and lit it, keeping the smoke in, then letting it out.

Something was wrong with the entire situation. And exactly what Korn Theerapanyakul meant, when he said that Porsche was connected to them?

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