Chapter 5: First Contract

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                                                   ⚠️Minor Descriptions of Blood and Stabbing⚠️

      As the door opens you are hit with a sudden wave of relief, you're in. Despite being told it would open if answered accordingly, deep down you had a feeling that it wouldn't work at all. You are met with the sight of stairs heading down, cobwebs in corners and moss growing along the stone walls. The musty odour of the place fills your nostrils. For being the Dark Brotherhood headquarters sure looks like nobody cleans it. Making your way down the stairs you can hear the sound of unintelligible chatter, laughter can also be heard. As you turn the corner at the bottom of the stairs you're met with a medium sized room. Theres bookshelves with miscellaneous items on them, a table with a map sprawled out, daggers stabbed into it, and a person. She stares at you, for how long she's been staring you've no idea. Her long blond hair and pale blue eyes stand out in contrast to her dark red and black garb. You smile sheepishly and slowly approach her.

     "So you're finally here. Welcome. Hope you found the place alright." She smiles.

     "Yeah, wasn't too hard. Thought I passed it, ha."  You chuckle, "So, what happens now?"

     "Well, you're part of the family now. Aren't you? This is our sanctuary. No safer place in Skyrim, get comfortable." She crosses her arms as a warm smile crosses her face. While welcoming and friendly, her smile also possesses an eerie sort of feeling that makes you uneasy.

     "I am glad—no, honoured to be apart of this family." You take a short head bow, she chuckles.

     "I assume you are quite anxious to start. Currently I'm arranging a job for you, however I need more time. While you wait, go see Nazir. He has several smaller contracts you can do."  She places her hand on your shoulder and motions you to another staircase down. As you take the first few steps down she speaks, "And again, welcome home." 

     As you reach the bottom of the stairs you're welcomed to the sight of a large underground cave. It's almost beautiful. A waterfall empties into a small pool of water, death bells and nightshade growing around the waters edge. Above the waterfall is an intricate stained glass pane. It shows bones, most notably a skull with a red and blue background. It's marvellous. Appallingly marvellous. You hear the sounds of laughter come from the left, quickly you turn, suddenly faced with the sign of other people. So in amazement of the window you missed them completely.

     You approach the group slowly, as you do so they start to disband. Going off to do their own thing. You're looking for Nazir, who ever that may be. There can only be so many people within the sanctuary, you're bound to run into each other. You start walking towards someone, an Argonian fellow. He sits on the floor, light reflecting off his green scales. 

     "Hello, uh. You wouldn't happen to be Nazir would you?"  You try not to let your nervousness show as you speak. 

     The Argonian man looks up to meet your eyes, "Nazir? No, that would be the Redguard. You can find him in the dining hall. Just up the stairs behind me, right past the pit up there. Don't mind the spider." 

     You nod, "Thank you."  the spider??

"You must be the newest member of our family. You made a good choice joining us, I assure you. In the mean time, I'm Veezara." He reaches his hand out to you.

     You grab his hand and shake it, "It's nice meeting you Veezara."

     "Just listen to Astrid and you'll fit in right perfectly." 

Love Bound In Spilt Blood (Cicero X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now